Police remain at UCLA campus following clearance of pro-Palestinian encampment

THE UCLA campus remains quiet on Friday following the clearance of a massive pro-Palestinian encampment and the arrest of over 200 people earlier in the week. Classes remain either canceled or moved online as a moderate police presence surrounds the campus and Royce Quad area.

KTLA's Rachel Menitoff reports on May 3, 2024.

Details: ktla.com/news/california/ucla-chancellor-addresses…

KTLA 5 News - Keeping Southern Californians informed since 1947.

コメント (21)
  • @zx3215
    Peaceful protests my @rse...
  • They just love to mess with America's schools , colleges , libraries , womens swimming , kids theme parks , WTF ?
  • Imagine walking out of college now with massive loan debt, few open jobs over $50k/yr, mass inflation and jacked up interest rates.
  • Three individuals from HLF. which was found guilty of funding Hamas now work for or on behalf of AMP which sponsors SJP. 1. Hossein Khatib, a board member for AMP and former regional director for HLF; 2.Jamal Said, keynote speaker at AMP fundraisers and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial against HLF; and 3. Salah Sarsour, AMP board member who spent eight months in an Israeli jail for his Hamas activity.
  • Those protesters should be made to pay for all the police time wasted on this idiocy.
  • You just can't walk away but you can cosplay your way out of anything
  • I'm identifying as I don't give a flying you know what I'm just here for the snacks and the juice box
  • Imagine a people so insulated & so conspiratorially deceptive that one's own country must pass laws so that YOU cannot criticize them
  • @juiuice
    That’s one for the history books ig lol
  • Can't we all just cosplay and get along I'll share my snacks and juice box with you
  • Josiah Royce turning in his grave. One of the four greatest (along with Dewey, Pierce, James) American philosophers but the least known. If these sob’s only knew what they are desecrating- a sacred institution.
  • 😲 Seriously Y'all Need To Calm Down & rethink All This Destruction 😔 & The Sad Part is A Massive Amount Of Students Are Being Banned & Kicked out OF Colleges All Across The Country... Students Are Sacrificing There College Careers Going To Jail & Getting out With No Place To Stay & Go Back Home This will Affect You Years From Now 😔
  • Gaza has over 2.2 million inhabitants. So if 40,000 are dead, we’re talking about 1.8%. As horrific as this seems, 1.8% is not a genocide.
  • @Trist805
    Yea don't protect anyone else😏
  • Enough already! Ban all campus protests regarding this matter and subject