NEW Problems We’ve NEVER Experienced in Disney World Before

Published 2024-04-15
Bad news, everyone — we’ve run into some NEW PROBLEMS at Disney World. But FEAR NOT! Because for every problem we’ve come across, we’ve ALSO found a solution!

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All Comments (21)
  • I bring some alcohol swabs (like what people clean their skin with before an injection) and if I’m feeling queasy after a ride, I tear one open and smell the alcohol. It’s an old nursing trick for nauseous patients in the hospital and it helps a lot.
  • @nicolezucal5565
    Previous Skipper here, the reason why Jungle Cruise is not open for extra hours (morning or evening) is because of the boats: they’re real boats, and very expensive to run, so the ride only operates during regular park hours (disclaimer that this was the reason back in 2018, things may have changed since then)
  • @rwbashaw66
    You know you are becoming “classic” when a cast member quickly runs up to help you out of the car on Space Mountain (and I graciously accepted the help as I knew they would be able to get me out to the car faster than I could by myself!!)
  • @favforsue
    Thank you! My daughter doesn’t get why I refuse to ride rollercoasters anymore. I’m okay with stuff like Big Thunder Railroad and Slinky. But Guardians made me ill. Space Mountain IS painful. Last time my daughter begged me was Velocicoaster at Universal. My soul had to catch up with my body! 😂Never again. She has a boyfriend. That’s his job now.
  • @Laine2539
    I love the people mover! When my daughter was little, it helped her calm down when she was overwhelmed. We would sit, and she would hold her Pluto, and let the breeze and the soothing voice of the announcer, relax us. At home, Whenever we encountered a stressful situation, she’d say, I need to ride the people mover. Or it’s a people mover kind of day. ❤
  • @pumpnix7243
    4:58 it’s actually the middle of the train that provides the most “equilibrium” The front of the train has the same effects as the back, just in reverse. So instead of being pulled down the hill, you’re pushed up, and when going around turns you have the momentum of the train pushing you through that may cause jerking. Towards the middle, you have equal push/pull, and not as tough on the body.
  • @alexjacques4758
    I think the increased crowds during the so-called off-season is because parents realize that after covid it's more than okay for their kids to miss a few days of school and be totally fine. In fact, I think now they prefer it so that they don't have to go during a heavy crowd.
  • Tiger Balm is great for recovery of sore muscles and even helps with minor sprains and bruises.
  • @JennieFuchsia
    As for shorts under dresses and skirts I /highly/ recommend linen shorts or culottes. It’s really warm for synthetic fabric shorts. Linen shorts or culottes will prevent chafe and keep you cool, they’re breathable and comfortable! I did this on my last trip and I was so comfortable.
  • @heidiziemer9696
    So funny! I too have gotten on the struggle bus with Space Mountain - my all time favorite ride since I first went in 1972! I am now 64 and I don't care if they have to insert and extract me every time - I'll be there!! But the suggested pain blocking accessories are great ideas - thanks!
  • @patriciamarcum
    I’m the one! I got stuck on Space Mountain! I could not get out on my own. I do have some mobility issues but never thought this would happen. My adult daughter and a sweet cast member had to help me up and it wasn’t easy. So embarrassing!
  • @kueagle1
    I go off of the rule that if the guys in different uniforms show up with tools it is time to move on. That usually means it will be a while as the new crew does their stuff.
  • I’m in my late late 30s and some roller coasters I rode as a kid hurt me now. Alpengeist at Busch Gardens in Va is a perfect example. Space mountain feels a little rough but it doesn’t give me a headache quite like BGs alpengeist.
  • @RavenTress
    My husband and I have always ridden Space Mountain, but it has been several years and we totally didn’t remember it being so violent (and we were both impressed that our 5 y.o. rode it like a champ). By contrast, we both thought Guardians was much smoother.
  • @estreetangel
    I'm in my mid-60s, obese, so getting in and out of the rides is so hard now. And I'm a solo traveler so I'm on my own unless a CM notices and helps. I'm pretty sure my Space Mountain Days are over. Too rough. And I've never liked Mission Space since it first opened, but I ride everything else and only have a touch of nausea on a couple of the rides. I train for the dizziness/nausea by spinning around every day a month or two before my trip, upping the duration and speed as time goes on. I start out by turning around on my feet and 5 rotations is about all I can handle when I first start, but by trip time, I am spinning around as fast as I can in my desk chair.
  • @petergilderdale
    Never seen a USB-B port in a car. I'm guessing you mean USB-A. Good point about USB-C being standard in newer models.
  • @orrygel
    I’m going this weekend can’t wait! Went in February for the first time in 20 years and I got the Disney fever! Plus I love watching my son have a great time
  • @kingofswing3000
    I remember our 2nd trip to WDW in the early 90s. I was 10. This time we rode the teacups. Welp, that would be the last time for me. I ended up coming off nauseous, then went and rode the People Mover like eight times. Cured me.
  • @amyrouding7892
    Can we please have a savoury snacks only video? I love your snack videos but I never reach for anything sweet for breakfast or for a snack.
  • @darthcaro
    i used to have a stomach of steel, but ever since i had my first baby at 23 im built different and my stomach can’t handle coasters as well as they used to 😭