Strong Biblical Evidence: Why the Trinity Isn't Mentioned by Jesus or Paul | Unitarianism Explained

Published 2024-05-24
In this video, we’ll discuss if Trinitarianism were essential for salvation, it should be explicitly mentioned in the New Testament. However, key figures like Paul and Jesus present definitions of God that align more with Unitarianism. Paul defines God in a Unitarian manner without referencing the Trinity, and Jesus does not mention his pre-existence when discussing the creation of the world. These omissions are presented as strong arguments supporting Unitarianism over Trinitarianism.

Verses - Mark 12:32-34; 1 Cor. 8:6; Matt. 19:4; Eph. 4:4-6

Creator - Johnny Barnes

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All Comments (21)
  • @ortiz3m
    appreciate all the work you do for these videos
  • @aksk5770
    A very strong argument, thank you 😊
  • @lessummers5738
    I guess if Paul was here today and trinitariand did not know who he was they would be calling Paul a heretic
  • @Blueskies445
    You can't lose a debate if you believe in what your saying. People choose what side they want to be on, it comes down to what we believe not who won a debate.
  • Matthew 16:15-17 New English Translation 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered,[a] “You are the Christ,[b] the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him,[c] “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood[d] did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven!
  • Never mind arguments from silence. What about what Jesus did say. Jesus had a God.The resurrected Jesus had a God. (John 20 :17 ). The glorified Jesus in heaven still had a God (Rev 3 :12). A 'God'whomhimself has a God is NOT God Almifghty and Jesus is never called God Almighty.
  • @neomagnon
    If Jesus intended to start a new religion, he could have explained everything explicitly to avoid confusion, wild guesses, hermeneutics, etc. He could have spoken in literal language and not in parables so that ALL people could understand his "new religion" of Christianity. He could have explained his true identity, the Trinity to avoid fighting, schism, animosity and fighting. But even his disciples have no idea who he really was. And modern-day religious leaders are vehemently fighting about whether he is God or not. There are so many thousands of different Christian denominations and non-denominations that can't agree with each other. Who will say with authority which one of these is right? Jesus said to be united and uphold universal love, but Christianity is like glass broken into thousands of small pieces. Impossible to mend.
  • @JKV84
    What is the guys name from UCA who debated kelly powers? Not tuggy.
  • The humanity of Jesus is so important in understanding what he did for us in dying on the cross. Hebrews 2:14 says he came in the flesh i.e. sinful human nature so that he could have the victory over the devil (sin). As God he could not die and would not have been tainted by sin in any way shape or form. As a man incapable of sin, why was he tempted and how did he bare our sins? Either way he was no more suitable for a sacrifice for our sins than the bulls and goats of the Mosaic law. Yes blood was shed but they were simply a shadow of the perfect sacrifice which required sin to be put to death in the flesh -in this very real sense Jesus was 'made sin for us'. Jesus was 'lifted up' like the brazen serpent was lifted up, symbolic of the people's sins. Jesus indeed bore our sins in his body on the tree in a very real sense, in a body susceptible to sin, but nevertheless sinless. He we have the greatest victory ever achieved by a man. This is where the orthodox churches misunderstand the atonement. They see the death of Jesus as transactional - he died in our place as a substitute. Whereas in fact it was what he did in his death that was key - he destroyed him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, not Satan, but sin ( the wages of sin is death)
  • @TexasBlues-123
    Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” (John 20:17)
  • @RealKuji
    More consistent posts would be great
  • @aleczemouli2905
    John 17:3 kills the debate. Jesus clearly states that THE ONLY TRUE GOD IS THE FATHER. Was Jesus lying? Was he trying to deceive his followers? Was he saying the truth?
  • @kusstyle
    What would you recommend to someone who is a biblical unitarian and wants to have a christian community when there are only trinitarian churches around?