Atum-Ra: Possibly the Most Powerful God in All of Mythology

Published 2023-10-02
In mythology, creating the world, ruling the world, and destroying the world are almost always attributed to different gods, monsters, or phenomena. Using Norse mythology as the point of comparison, the quickening of the first life comes from the intermingling of fire and frost in the void - fire coming from Muspelheim, a realm of fire, and frost coming from Niflheim, a realm of ice. The world is ruled over by Odin, the king of the Norse pantheon. And the destruction of the world is brought about by an amassing horde of monsters: Fenrir, the World Serpent, a great host of undead, frost giants, fire giants, etc. Using Greek mythology as the point of comparison, creation begins with the emergence of the first primordial deities, the likes of Chaos, Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros. The kingship, though first held by Uranus and then seized by Cronus, is maintained by Zeus. And as for the end times, the Greeks didn’t even have apocalyptic myths that prophesied the eventual destruction of the world.

Atum-Ra, in the context of the bygone pantheons of the ancient world, is a singular entity, for he did create the world, rule the world, and it was prophesied that he would also destroy the world, returning it to the waters of chaos, the next cycle of creation beginning at a later time.

Atum was a creator god who brought himself into existence in the Waters of Nun, basically the Egyptian equivalent of Chaos. Ra was the sun itself and generally the most important god in Egyptian mythology. He was the first king of the universe and the sustainer of life. Atum and Ra were combined into the syncretic fusion Atum-Ra, a compound deity that combined the power and purview of its two constituents: Atum the creator aspect and Ra the solar aspect. It was commonplace in Egyptian mythology to combine gods in this way, and Ra especially became incorporated into these sorts of divine amalgamations. Other examples include: Amun-Ra (Amun another creator deity), Sobek-Ra (Sobek the most powerful of the crocodile gods), and Ra-Horakhty (Horakhty, another name for Horus, the last god to rule the earth directly before the time of the pharaohs).

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All Comments (21)
  • @darakkriess1030
    The fact that Ra is so powerful he has fusion forms with other top tier gods in his pantheon. I now understand why most believe he is a monotheistic God
  • @makeupboss3568
    Egyptian mythology is so interesting. I was getting a lot of Egyptology in 7th and 8th grade in Junior High and I was hooked, in the 80’s we had Indiana Jones and and Allan Quartermain, and I was really considering becoming an archeologist. Nowadays it’s hard to get work as an archaeologist… my husband went to school with someone who did just that and all she does is local work. She was really looking forward to seeing the world with its archaeological sites . I still wish I could’ve done it …
  • @chuggggggy
    RA is one of the Tones of Creation, the Source of existence is Sound and Light. The tones are KA RA YA SA TA AA LA which is used as Krystal, where later "Christ" comes from. In the Primal Light Fields, RA is also part of the Kee-RA-ShA, the pillar of first cause. RA means "One Spirit" and is also the Golden Son, the Sun, the Solar Consciousness. RA is indeed from the God Worlds. Also Sekhmet and Hathor are very positive figures from the Light in the Higher Heavens. Eventually what we are talking about "gods" are full Alien/Cosmic Races. The Ennead, the Egyptian Pantheon from the inverted Red Nile Cube, I think they are all Negative figures of Darkness. Note to say, they initially were not but they decided to be Fallen. And it calls my attention in the end, seeing the Serpent creator as the mightiest figure, you may think is diabolic and negative, but it isn't, could be referring to the Solar Cosmic Dragons 🐉 from the God Worlds from the Cosmic Egg. Essentially GOD-SOURCE is everything Benevolent, Natural, Luminic, Positive, the central point where everything comes from, so no need to argue whose god is better. They are either connected to God or disconnected to God, as you could be too.
  • @-RONNIE
    Good video thanks for the information
  • @minigem528
    IT IS SO,SO BE IT!!! ATUM-RA🧿🌞💫⚖️🌍💚💚💚🙌🏽
  • @innertuition7363
    learning etymology i found Ra is in many of english spells.. like Ra-dio (dio is italian for god). Ra-in-bow, sun Ra-ys, Ra-di-a-tor, even B-Ra-in. Ra-y ban...
  • @merlith4650
    "Greeks didnt have myths about the destruction of the world" This is not exactly true, depending on what you define as the "world". One of the earliest sources for greek mythology, the poet Hesiod writes about "The five ages of men". Which describes the creation of various human races during each significant age of the mythology aswell as the undoing of their world. Each age ends in a violent upheaval that wipes out the current race of mankind of that era. The first age is The Golden Age which is ended through the destruction wrought by the Titanomachy (the war between the titans and the gods) The silver age, Zeus creates the silver race of man, which is inferior to the previous golden race in everyway. Zeus himself destroys his own creations out of anger. Bronze age, Zeus creates a third generation called the Brazen race of men, that become cannibalistic and warlike. Once again the age is ended by Zeus, and the brazen people wiped out, by creating a Deluge (great flood) Age of Heroes, Zeus creates an honorable race of heroes respected by the gods, with demigods living alongside them. This age doesnt seem to have a "apocalyptic" ending. And finally, the Iron Age and the last race of man, which Hesiod defines as being the "current age". "humans live an existence of toil and misery. Children dishonor their parents, brother fights with brother, and the social contract between guest and host (xenia) is forgotten. During this age, might makes right, and bad men use lies to be thought good. At the height of this age, humans no longer feel shame or indignation at wrongdoing; babies will be born with gray hair and the gods will have completely forsaken humanity, there will be no help against evil" The last age is said to end when Zeus returns to destroy us like he has before. This is the closest we get to an "end of the world" myth in greek mythology to my knowledge.
  • @Shakkarz
    Feels like yeah story from the Phoenix story as it gets old an dies in reforge or reform itself a MacGuffin not to die
  • @tvblue3010
    I enjoy your Egyptian mythology videos.
  • @funnyposts1811
    Extremely interesting and informative video. Can you explain Hinduism under the same rationale. Are they 3 in 1 or each if the 3 is independent of the other.? Excellent work.
  • @krrsantan6775
    I had a dream where the skies were black and the gods walked across golden bridges in the sky. In this dream we saw hercules, a giant bear odin and thor, it was like the cosmos was revealed to me. It was so vivid but beautiful at the same time. I write letters to the gods in the hope they reveal more of their realm too me.
  • @ervinlukaya
    can you cover Amaterasu from Shinto Mythology?
  • @aungthet5097
    Can you please cover Devi adiprashakti from Indian mythogy.?