How to stop dog aggressive behavior towards people? Quickly and easily

Published 2018-02-16
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In today's video, we dive deep into a common yet challenging issue many dog owners face - dealing with a dog's aggressive behavior towards people. We've got Doggy Dan here, sharing his expertise on calming down dogs who show fear and aggression, especially when visitors enter your property. šŸ”šŸ•

What's Inside:
A Real-Life Scenario: We join Doggy Dan at a home where a powerful, fearful dog struggles with aggression towards newcomers, particularly at the gate. This isn't just any theory; it's practical, real-world training in action!
Understanding the Behavior: Dan explains that the dog's barking and aggression are mainly out of fear and uncertainty. It's crucial to understand the 'why' behind your dog's behavior to address it effectively.
The Calm Approach: Learn how staying calm and using specific body language can significantly influence your dog's behavior. It's not just about what you do, but how you do it that matters.
Practical Techniques: Watch as Dan demonstrates three key techniques:
Turning Your Back: A simple yet powerful way to communicate that you're not a threat.
The Calm Freeze: Gently holding your dog to convey security and control.
Blocking the Visual: Positioning yourself to prevent your dog from seeing the trigger.

Why This Matters: šŸŒ“šŸ¶
Quick Calming: These techniques aren't just theory; you'll see how quickly the dog calms down during the video.
Versatility: These methods aren't limited to just one scenario. Whether it's a reaction to strangers, other dogs, or even kids, the principles apply.
Leadership & Training: Beyond the immediate techniques, Dan discusses the importance of leadership and consistent training in managing aggressive behavior.

Bonus Tips:
Stay as calm as possible; your dog feeds off your energy.
Consistency is key in training and establishing leadership.
Remember, sometimes the issue is as much about leadership as it is about training.

Let's Connect & Learn Together!
Thanks for watching, and we hope these tips help you and your furry friend live a happier, more peaceful life together. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more dog training tips. Drop your questions or experiences in the comments below - we love hearing from you!

Stay Pawsome! šŸ¾
Take care, and see you in the next video!
00:00 Introduction to Dog Aggression Issues
00:14 Understanding the Root Cause of Aggression
00:29 Initial Steps in Calming an Aggressive Dog
00:40 The Importance of Body Language
01:51 Demonstrating the Calm Freeze Technique
02:56 Practical Demonstration: Gate Entry
04:30 Advanced Calming Techniques
05:01 Applying Techniques in Different Scenarios
05:16 Conclusion and Key Tak

All Comments (21)
  • I have been using this technique for a year and a half on my little one. and he has gone from barking for 5-10 min or until the "threat" (Stranger/child) leaves to about 5-30 seconds. It too three times each time in the beginning and now only once per episode. Thank you for this. While I will always have to watching and be on guard, this allows us to move on with our walks.
  • @-Benja
    My dogs just hates everyone exept my family
  • Been trying this with my two small dogs. Went from non stop barking to, to a single bark and the person can pass without much reaction. Still a long way to go but this has been helpful. Thank you.
  • @bpgk2007
    My dog goes crazy in public places and takes forever to calm which makes me nervous to take her anywhere. This is so simple. I'm going to try this out. Thank you so much
  • @eightyeight3594
    My dog is aggressive with strangers. I have to put him in the cage, have people come inside and sit down. Let my dog out of the cage and have him approach them, and then he is completely fine.
  • @annaohare100
    Excellent. Nice to see a calm explanation with a trainer who is genuinely interested in the dog.
  • @allisonlevy616
    Your work saved my dogs life. Literally. I am a dog trainer who works with troubled dogs. I appreciate you more than I could ever express.
  • @tonykey6453
    Awesome. Thank you. I want to be as calm as you.
  • @Huskyresqr
    IT'S A PITY, that trainers....most trainers have no clue about the psychology of the dog as you present it.....In the States, a dog trainer is often someone who just has a business card. Thank you for the videos.
  • @tipsytinker
    I have a pitty. I canā€™t ā€œget in frontā€ of my dog when sheā€™s in that state. She barks, lunges, pulls the entire time. Itā€™s embarrassing and often leaves me gettin hurt.
  • @mccoop4427
    Thank you so much for making a video that gets right to the point without 15min of already known infošŸ˜Š
  • Thank you so much for this video. I have been using this with my nippy dog and it is working. All of the trainers I met with wanted to use pinch or ecollars and I'm not on board with that. This does take about 3 times per incident before he stops but it now is only minutes instead of him freaking out for half of the walk.
  • @vidvidbiker
    Thanks for posting this, very useful. Have you made a video about leadership in the home env? I could not find, be grateful for a link if you have.
  • @trollololol4601
    Itā€™s so nice when dog trainers donā€™t use e collars and prong collars and all that bad stuff. Hurting ur dog donā€™t help
  • @lindabeebe7065
    Wow, ok. I knew I had the right instinct! I didnā€™t know if I should pet or try to calm her down though. Thanks so much!