Mystery of the Sesame Street Hack: A YouTube Disaster Explained

Published 2021-05-18

All Comments (21)
  • @rikmcdik6662
    Idk why but this reminds me of the time somebody hacked my school’s webpage and changed everything to Shrek related stuff
  • @sideshowratt
    They're both based in Romania and Mr. Ed says he was in high school when he started his channel. I think the simplest explanation is that Mr. S. was some other teenager who either knew Mr. Ed IRL or ran in the same local circles, and had beef with him for whatever reason.
  • The Sesame Street YouTube account PW was changed constantly for security reasons, however it was still easy to figure out, it was “Password” plus the number and letter of the day.
  • Get sued by Sesame Street is a phrase I never imagined I would hear. I instantly picture Elmo and his team of corporate lawyers walking into the courtroom.
  • @alanmathew9055
    This incident along with others might have been the reason for 'Youtube kids' to exist today
  • There are two possibilities: 1. Mr91 is the hacker and had some bad blood with Ed at some point, wanting to bring him down using any means necessary. 2. The hacker was a third person who had something against both people and was willing to wreck a company's channel to bring both down.
  • @tobiwalker7145
    Documenting the history of the internet is IMPORTANT. Documenting the quirks of the internet is important, too. I'm glad you do it.
  • @smokecardboards
    That part with Ed is honestly wholesome. How come I’ve never heard of this OG gaming youtuber when I was a kid? Cool guy
  • 2011 was a wild time on the internet. Most times a person is canceled for problematic Tweets are from the year 2011.
  • I checked out Mr. Ed’s channel after watching this and he is clearly nothing more than a harmless gaming YouTuber. I teach English part time and I can tell you for sure that the broadcasted message on the hacked channel was written by a native English speaker. No actual non native English speaker would write in broken English that way and whoever wrote it was trying to sound as malicious as possible.
  • @bshinn4884
    Eduard seems like a decent dude. Maybe just a random troll, or someone that didn't like his channel for whatever reason. Knowing that Sesame Street and YouTube never investigated him seems like they had little reason to suspect him as the hacker
  • @BinglesP
    I feel bad for Eduard, he basically got a cancel culture level accusation and in an time-and-place in YouTube that wasn’t nearly as critically-thinking as today or in other circles. I believe him, and I’m even proud that he managed to take it all because I would personally go into a frantic breakdown if it happened to me.
  • Starting the Ed fanclub, dude seems like a really honestly kind person. I'm sad that he was targeted for whatever reason, I hope he sees success. :(
  • @RoyStorey
    had some weirdo with a grudge against me years back do a "venge-frame" against me too. it was annoying but i can't imagine having to deal with it on this level. glad that ed says that nothing too big came out of it
  • @blackbarnz
    I remember the family was really upset about this, John Henson (Jim's son) was my neighbor in Saugerties NY for years, he passed away about 5 years back. Wish I had paid more attention now.
  • @suicidalparrot
    "Blink with one eye" There are folks out there that don't know what a wink is?
  • @NintegaDario
    Someone who would do something like that has to be sick in the head, I feel bad for any parent and their child who got scarred from that sort of content.
  • @Bmacthesage
    "Mom, it's Sesame Street I swear!" - some kid probably
  • @TrainCon1958
    We must consider: Why would someone saying they belong to a channel direct them to their channel, only to deny their involvement? If they were the ones who hacked the channel, they'd be taking credit. It couldn't be them.