Video shows rough waves injure 6 in South Beach

Rough waves injure six people on Friday in South Beach.

コメント (11)
  • All cataclysms and anomalies occur due to the fact that a person has legalized lawlessness - murder, same-sex marriage, hatred, corruption, fornication, adultery, surrogate motherhood, cheating, theft and robbery with violence, envy, jealousy, lies, deceit, polygamy , betrayal, cloning, enmity, intransigence, pride, exaltation, thirst for enrichment, anger, slander, foul language, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, betrayal of a husband or wife, bestiality, and much more that is not inherent in human nature. The Creator Longsuffers with us, otherwise the devil would have destroyed the whole world, because the devil hates us, and all of the above are the qualities of the devil with which he deceives all nations in order to have the power to destroy everyone. Peace to all nations!🙏❤️🌴🌋🌟🌼
  • @JudenRick
    not very bright, got a nice close up. isn't that what they wanted
  • Darwin award winners. They probably also lost their cameras, no uploading to their social media. Not worth it.
  • IMO - it's very foolish to do "look-y-loos" near floods, high tides, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Not victim blaming - just telling people to be careful.
  • Have we crossed the point of no return in terms of damaging the planet? There is no such point. We need to trust that our thought, which is our greatest quality, can change nature. We only need to understand the direction to which we should aim our thoughts. What should we think about? What condition or state should we aspire to and ask for? In order to save our planet, we should think about positive human connections. That is, how can we, in our connections, keep nature safe? How can we all together protect our world? If we truly wish to better our planet, then we should see people holding a concern for how to positively connect everywhere that we look. It has nothing to do with recycling or other activities that we commonly associate with as being sustainable. If we come closer to and consider each other, that we will reach an entirely organic, perfectly connected and round state, then the negative forces will disappear from the world. We need to understand that if we start thinking better about each other, then the planet will recover from all harm, because our thoughts are the strongest force in nature. Likewise, our negative thoughts about each other are entirely to blame for damaging the planet. That is why the more we recycle and invest in energies and activities that we commonly think of as being sustainable, the worse our planet becomes. Nothing will work to benefit us until we reach a state where our attitude changes toward each other for the better to protect and improve our planet..