Re:Legend Episode 4.5 - Farming And Crafting!

Published 2019-09-23
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1080p gameplay (Might not show HD right away)

Re:Legend is an early access title by Magnus Games Studios, and is a wonderful little title that came out of nowhere.

Bonus episode! I go out of the way to do some crafting and a bit of farming for materials. I meet up with two new characters, but that's all. I also run into what I assume is a glitch, as my Rabbitray is no longer lonely. I have not done any fishing between this and the previous video, so I am uncertain as to how this happened. I also run into an issue with future material gathering; the best tools I can craft right now can't harvest stuff in the forest, but I need forest materials to make better tools. I'm confused.

I do accidentally progress the story a bit when I go to the forest though, so if you want to just see story content, skip to 01:13:003.

Highlights of the video;
- My Rabbitray asexually reproduced and had 3 that a bug?
- I craft the next tier of tools!
- I discover natural coal veins!
- I realize Bronze tools don't help in the Forest!
- I sell my stock of mushrooms that I have been hoarding!

All Comments (2)
  • Nice game. I like how it looks. Great video. Left you a big like. keep them coming.