*WARNING* to America: "Get Your Affairs in Order…"

Published 2022-09-13
Join Sid Roth and Troy Brewer for powerful prophetic insights on what's coming...
🔥🔥 Numbers That Preach (Digital Download) by Troy Brewer: bit.ly/3xlkGZU

👉 Do you keep seeing the same numbers over and over? God is speaking to you! 🫵 Each number has a prophetic meaning, and Troy Brewer reveals what you need to know in his revelatory book:

Numbers That Preach

You are not random. Your Bible, your history books, and even your newspaper headlines are full of God shouting a powerful message of hope and healing.

The same Author who designed 24,900 miles around the planet, also calculated 24 hours around your clock, and predetermined 24 elders around the throne. Unless you know what God is consistently speaking through the number 24, you miss the message. In fact, you don’t even know there is a message. But the next time God quickens a number to you, now you have somewhere to turn!

Numbers That Preach is a fascinating look at the otherwise hidden sermons God is declaring through His mathematical lingo.

For more than 20 years, author Troy Brewer has studied Biblical texts and and found them saturated with facts, figures and statistics that show powerful meanings in the numbers around us. They declare that God is and His purposes are about you!

🔥🔥 Get your copy of Numbers That Preach by Troy Brewer: bit.ly/3xlkGZU

All Comments (21)
  • After watching the video today I have been moved to make Jesus Christ Lord.
  • @Jag-leaper
    My 6-year-old niece was talking to me about how she missed my dog who recently passed away a few months ago, and then she turns around to walk away and just before she does she says," Jesus is coming back soon"...
  • Yeah I am a survivor of sex slavery and its horrible. I was sold at 7 years old. Jesus saved me in 2010 when I was 35 years old and protected my way out! it was amazing. I am 47 now and haven't looked back and the Miracles that Jesus has done. The most incredible things was surviving the tribunals and watching Epstiens and Maxwell and Clintons face when charge fr crimes against humanity! But Jesus wants more than justice He wants us to be free from bondage and what He has done with me is the Glory of the Lord. No one else could have done what He did!
  • I teared up watching this. I'm so excited to give Jesus a hug. He has done so much for me in my life. I have been drug free for 12 years and I have not had a suicidal thought in over a decade. My soul is so secure and I know I'm going to be with Jesus!!
  • @belleve5709
    Yes the Lord is coming, last week I found my car had been stolen, I panicked, I called police, insurance co and kids, and then it hit me, I sat down and prayed Lord God forgive me for not coming to you first! Please return my car soon, I have great need of it! Amen of course I felt better, but I'm still in shock, it wasn't 3 minutes later my daughter had texted her boyfriend that it was stolen, he called her back and said I found it! He wasn't going from home to work his normal route, he just got lead that way. 3 minutes! No lie. It was fine, they had to have a key. But that evening ,I spoke at a family party, those that heard were all like ,maybe we need to pray first ! I've now shared it with hundreds, People pray first , the world is coming to an end, because our Lord and Savior is coming soon, make sure your family and friends are ready.Speak out
  • Keep praying without ceasing. I am over 2,000 miles apart from my adult children and Jesus has began His work on each and every one of them. We do not have to be present to with them for God to answer prayers and save them. All four of my adult children are saved and set free from drugs and alcohol. I tell you, pray pray pray!! Jesus is gathering his bride and is a n His way. Do not let your fire out. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️👑👑👑
  • yes... my son who is 3 said several months ago while we were driving. That he wasn't scared of the monsters coming because Jesus was coming and he would cut their heads off with a sword. The sword is the word of God.
  • I am crying 😢😭🤧, Dear Jesus Rescue our Children. Thank you so very much for rescuing that ❤little girl 👧❤. Many Many more.
  • My grandchildren have all had visions and dreams ..my grandson woke up about a month ago and had to tell me about he had just talked to Jesus, with more details then I can type here ..he said Jesus told him he was coming to get him ...I can not even tell anyone how excited I am ..I just get so excited when I think about going..and let's just say I day dream about going up ... butterflies in my stomach.
  • @raroadway8259
    At the end of February 2020, I heard God tell me. "Get your house in order." I thought it meant to literally clean my house, as I had just retired that week and thought this was to be my first task. After Covid hit, I thought it was meant spiritually. And I worked hard on my prayer life. But now I realize God did mean it literally (too) - because so many days I get little done for the Lord because of the clutter of my house and time wasted finding things. My house not being in order is crippling my ability to have more time to spend in prayer and doing God's will in my life. And now Sid is here saying we ALL need to get our affairs in order.....
  • @a.e.f5151
    JESUS is coming JESUS is coming JESUS is coming JESUS is coming soon to confirm it I had a dream One week ago I had a dream Where I saw JESUS CHRIST on the white horse following by many doves 🕊 and the doves were singing a worship 🙌 songs. When I saw our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST I screamed JESUS! And a few minutes later HE disappeared in the clouds ⛅️..... that day I sang , danced and worship God the whole day.... Jesus love you IJN Amen
    Holy Holy Holy is GOD Almighty the whole earth is full of his glory in the name of JESUS CHRIST Amen...!!!🙏✝️✝️✝️👼
  • A German politician just announced that something huge is going to happen on September 24th. He said that everyone alive will remember where they were and at what time it happened. He didn't elaborate. Meanwhile, Denver, Colorado residents are getting free "bugout" bags to prepare for a disaster. The bag has only cotton balls, bandaids, a cheap flashlight, and a couple more things like matches. There is no water or food in these bags, and the bags themselves are small. Watch and pray 🙏 folks!!!
  • @emile4449
    Pray for Puerto Rico. Hurricane watch. We cast it down! "Every demonic storm is dead on arrival, in Jesus' name! Amen!"
  • As I woke up about a month ago I clearly heard the spirit of the Lord say get your house in order. I know I was led to watch this today.
  • LORD I pray that I will not miss my destiny that you have for me IN Jesus mighty name
  • Sid I saw you on tv you said someone is having a neck pain and back pain if your listening to me God will heal you . I received and believed what you said and suddenly my pain in my neck and back pain I am feeling for several days suddenly disappear and praise God for this I said to God Lord this message Sid said Is for me I received my healing in Jesus name and I am free of pain for my neck and back glory to God .
  • @kiwidubz
    2 Corinthians 13:14 "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
  • I need an intercession for strength to overcome every stumbling block in my life. Addiction, fear, depression and everything keeping me from my destiny. Thank you God for your mercy. I love you