The county ended up closing this track and shutting down the last two motos of the day during the Area 51 CanAm race. 14 ambulances were sent to the track and 1 medical Helicopter total. The reason for shutting down the last motos was the county was almost completely exhausted of ambulances. Prayers to all the riders injured! 🙏

コメント (16)
  • That Track looks awesome on my bucket list. Lot of Natural elevation. Jumps look like fun. Props to the owner.
  • @shmirdonkin
    I think the track looks fun. It's almost like a national track with keeping vets in mind. It looks super challenging but nothing dangerous.
  • @Martin-ef4xh
    I've rode/raced way...WAY worse. I don't see the issue.
  • @klossfly09
    I have rode area 51 a half dozen times for hare scrambles. It is one of the nicest facilities around and it is cared for with passion
  • @ddrowdy7666
    I didn't see any track problems but.....14 bambalances and 1 heli? did they have an open bar in the pits? How many do they usually have there, seems like 1, maybe 2 would be about right.
  • @ClarkStar866
    track was so damn rough, did you ever get to leave 2nd gear?! lmao really solid and in control riding
  • @BilobateDrip
    Have this track mod on MX bikes. Different layout now but an awesome track nonetheless
  • @chrisibey472
    Looks a tad narrow in spots but not dangerous…jumps should always be wider than the track.
  • would love to rip this track, looks killer. thats a lot of crash;s for one day, yikes.
  • @bobjones6154
    its not the safest track but its way, way safer than what we have here in nz. if you case the doubles on my local track youre going to break bones, theyre fucking huge and you cant come up short. nor can you go long, both ways end up in a trip to the hospital. also we have rock hard / greasy af clay soil here, it gets so hard when its dry that you could literally ride the tracks with motard slicks and have better grip than knobblies. and if its wet there is zero traction no matter what. dodgy af. if you go down and slide along the dirt you get road rash - massive friction burns that are so bad they require hospitalisation. so is this track dangerous? compared to what? id kill for this track in my country. also dude youre geared to high, the bike is screaming all the time and out of the power. try going down a tooth on the rear sprocket, i think youll find it better.
  • What gives the county the right to shut a business, is McDonald's Dairy Queen next to many people in the parking lot, drive thru? Ludicrous, overreacting. Do they have lots of ambulance calls? Its racing......Crap Daytona 500 just got shut down , a driver got a hang nail......get a petition started get rid of the county council......
  • I'm in Buffalo and this is the first I've heard of this. Is it permanently closed or was that for the day?