David Blaine Started Hallucinating During His "Frozen in Time" Stunt

Published 2020-08-18

All Comments (21)
  • @alexmendez6345
    Joe: “Yea” David; “Yea” Joe: “yea” David: “exactly”
  • @RazorGxx
    David: “No hallucinogenic drug will ever give you those kinds of hallucinations” Joe: Starts breathing heavily
  • @jenn_81
    Joe kept asking the questions I wanted to know!! Like what he would do to occupy his mind. These two together is iconic episode!!
  • @levla2224
    Blaine: There's no hallucinogenic drug that will make you see shit like that. Rogan: Well...
  • I love seeing David not being awkward. He’s usually a little weird but it’s real cool to see him be himself
  • @patwatson7543
    David is the one magician that took the trick part out of magic and actually does the trick
  • Next podcast Guest: So tell me about DMT Rogan: Yeah but have you ever tried putting yourself in an ice block for 72 hours?
  • @9mwood
    Blaines next stunt will be him focusing on one topic for five minutes.
  • "everything swells up and the pain is excruciating and unbearable but yeah"-David Blaine
  • The mental fortitude of this man is insane. The pain tolerance, discipline, physical mastery, self-control are off the charts. Just try to imagine what it would be like to stay awake and standing in the exact same spot for 3 days, encased in ice, unable to move your arms or turn. Almost anyone would be begging to get out after 15 minutes. He’s like, beyond human.
  • @lanceelato3507
    "A wizard is never late, Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to" this dude is gandalf lol
  • David Blaine was literally "flying" on his motorcycle on the way to Joe's podcast lol.
  • He is basically an endurance athlete. The amount of pain he could take is amazing.
  • Joe is a tremendous Host. He's so good at directing his guest and keeping them on track.
  • @mmacisso
    David: “I never fully recovered “ Joe: “like in what way “ David: “I have permanent kidney damage” Joe: “Oh”
  • i remember the impression i had of david was that he was an emotionless being maybe laughing once in a blue moon. but i come back to see his stuff again and here he is full of emotion and happiness while talking. look at how he's talking here. he's so happy talking about his accomplishments. i know no one asked but this made me smile ear to ear :)
  • What he says around 13:45 is the truest shit. I suffer from narcolepsy which isn't what people really think it is. It isn't really falling asleep randomly but rather the inability to stay awake due to chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue. REM cycles are broken so the body doesn't rest at night -- they say that someone with this condition feels like the average person would staying up 48-72 hours straight, but this is our everyday. I have experienced countless hallucinations when extremely fatigued and agree, it can be one of the strongest experiences ever. I don't recommend anyone doing this -- there's a reason why sleep deprivation is used as a torture technique and long-term stretches can cause permanent damage and even death. I have seen my couch breathe, seen shadow figures appear and disappear in my vision, blinking lights, objects in my periphery that aren't there, etc. But the worst parts -- and he captures it here -- are the time warping and delusions. When in this state, time will sometimes freeze or sometimes speed up at such an incomprehensible speed. You will forget the names and faces of people you knew just days before and experience the nightmare, as he put it. Deep-rooted beliefs that people are out to kill you (hence him reaching for the chainsaw), physical numbness, or even the belief that you don't exist. Sometimes it feels like the version of me in my dreams feels more real that the one in my waking life. Imagine being able to access the delusions of your weirdest dreams, but while awake. This means any monster you've seen or heard in dreams can pop up and so can the sudden intuitive beliefs like we get when dreaming or while high. It's truly fucking crazy what the brain can do. I also love how he talks about the small checkpoints when running on the treadmill. This truly is the best way to get through these moments -- or anything difficult -- and I use this for my day-to-day. The control he has over his own body and mind is beautiful.