12 ways to ANNIHILATE internet trolls Part 1 - by Rob Ager

Anti-troll techniques that actually work! Case examples at end of video.
Based on Rob Ager's longterm experiences of dealing with on and offline trolls, including conflicts and court cases against academics and dishonest journalists.
Part 2 will be available for Patreon supporters, sign up here www.patreon.com/RobAger
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00:00 Intro
01:22 Post Honest Content
02:28 Burden of Escalation
04:34 Disappointment Therapy
06:27 Catch and Pin
08:07 Honesty Rewards
09:39 Expose their Language
11:47 Expose their Core Motive
13:53 Baccusations
16:19 Spotlight Them
23:49 Shrink Them
26:02 Thicken Your Skin
28:40 The Mask-off Challenge
30:46 Before we proceed ...
34:07 Vid author's case experiences

コメント (21)
  • ANSWERS TO SOME OF THE MORE FREQUENT COMMENT RESPONSES (if you can't be bothered watching the vid then read my responses to these before commenting, thanks) People claiming trolls are just PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE or people making HARMLESS JOKES (by those definitions I do a lot of trolling myself) ... The dictionary definitions clearly mismatch though (capitals added) ... "to leave an insulting or offensive message on the internet IN ORDER TO UPSET someone, or to get attention or CAUSE TROUBLE" (Cambridge dictionary), "to HARRASS, criticize, or ANTAGONIZE (someone) especially by provocatively disparaging or mocking public statements, postings, or acts" (Merriam Webster) "to post INFLAMMATORY, INAPPROPRIATE, CONTROVERSIAL, or polarizing messages on (the internet) for the purpose of CULTIVATING ANIMOSITY, UPSETTING others, or provoking a response." (dictionary dot com) We could, however, create a new set of terms that separate out trolls into more appropriate categrories. Some have raised the issue of lying content creators who deserve to be trolled ... and I agree on this, which is why one of the points in the video advises you to only POST HONEST CONTENT. About the ... DON'T FEED THE TROLL ... method. A lot of the time it doesn't work. Some trolls are out to deliberately spread disinfo, emotionally hurt people, etc. They can also be competitors in your field. A lot of them don't need a response from you. They're happy to post whatever they think wil cause upset, conflict or confusion despite the lack of open response. And they return time and time again ... until you make the trolling experience unpleasant for them.
  • I've been trolling your channel for years. I've watched your videos, clicked liked, rewatched some of them. And there is nothing you can do about it!
  • @CRM-114
    It's hard to annihilate someone who has no life.
  • I started my YouTube channel a year ago and I managed to work out who the troll was from their subscribed accounts. Turned out it was someone I'd worked with the year before! Ha! Thanks Rob, you are ever eloquent and always an inspiration of what YouTube can be at it's most noble.
  • @eleccy
    These are great tips. There's a big problem in the world, in that a lot of people approach discourse, and discussion with a troll mindset - even if they have no intent to troll. These tips are good because they help guide the conversation back to proper discourse.
  • @DBSG1976
    How can you have trolls? You have well argued, entertaining videos. I've disagreed with some of your positions, but I'm still engaged and appreciate that you aren't up your own ass, you have a very laid back style.
  • @timavers
    Most “violence” today is about attacks on perceived status. That’s really the only threat in the troll’s arsenal.
  • Hello Rob! I have an idea for a top list from you. How about: Films that achieved a lot with very little money. Of course, films like "Blair Witch Project" or "Night of the Liging Dead" immediately come to mind, but I'm sure that you can think of completely different films and you can perhaps also assess what made these films worth seeing and successful . Personally, I wouldn't necessarily consider purely commercial success to be the most important factor in the matter. Unfortunately, I'm not a budding filmmaker myself, but I think that inspiration for inexpensive but high-quality films in particular could provide a lot of inspiration for newcomers to the field.
  • I've had a couple of dedicated trolls bash me regularly over the last decade or so. I tried fireing back, offering honest discussion and everythgn I could think of. But they loved the attention. I got tired of them and now I block/delete and moderate comments. But this is a great video.
  • @snellavision
    Treat trolls like lottery tickets... don't give them any more time than you're willing to lose
  • I skipped to the end guys. this a psyop video where Rob is trolling us and at the end just says “ nah just kidding. Just ignore them “! 😮
  • @thijmendv
    Rob, your videos are so high quality. I look forward to new releases.
  • @melancholoid
    Awesome Vid! Thank You very much for Your Work! Greetings from Germany
  • People always judge each other by their own standards. So if you are a thief you assume everyone else is stealing.
  • This has been a fascinating topic. I really enjoyed hearing your ideas on this subject. I absolutely believe many many people would benefit from dealing with trolls differently.
  • @Swan67-zw9jo
    Rob - Great Vid. Geoge Galloway was a master of 'spotlight them' when taking orchestrated & hostile questioning from audiences