Thoughts on last night's interview with Chris Proudfoot, Seth Rogers, and P.I's Chloe and Heather

Publicado 2024-04-29
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[email protected]
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • His behavior last night shows how he is. Does anybody believe this swat on the backside with a belt was benign? Even if it was remotely justified (which it absolutely is not…and then an autistic child on top of it). There was no way that man was composed while “disciplining” NO WAY…and that psycho we seen last night has no business being around ANY child.
  • You guys did awsome!!!Seth was great too he handled himself well.
  • @babyboop1317
    CP showed his true colors...he's an a**hole and a bully!!! Can you imagine poor Sebastian's life in this house?? That poor baby!! 😢
  • @tiffknox6158
    You ladies did really well last night handling that whole thing. Patience IS a virtue! My hat’s off to you.
  • @spyzi
    Chris didn’t want to be interrupted but he interrupted everybody on the panel including Seth
  • @pf4063
    My biggest takeaway was Chris’s definition of abuse - he said you have to leave bruises or marks for it to be abuse rather than simple discipline. This is just a shocking revelation - Sebastian suffered physical and emotional abuse by Chris from his own words. When Sebastian failed to clear up his room to Chris’s satisfaction, Chris enjoyed forcing Sebastian to throw away his belongings and take the trash cans full of his things as punishment - this was emotional abuse. Sebastian is part of a category of highly protected individuals being a minor and diagnosed austistic. Disgusting. Gray Hughes this is to you - abuse is NOT normal and you should be ashamed of normalising this to any adults listening who are inclined to abusing children who could feel justified by your words. This is irresponsible and unacceptable from someone in a position with a platform.
  • @Livthankful
    These women defending his behavior have no self respect. Maybe it is the behavior they live in themselves.
  • @Leah_F.
    I was left worrying about whatever Sebastian told CPS, that Chris refuses to talk about. Since he spoke so freely on the belt incident, I’m thinking it must be worse. 😢 Katie’s at fault too for staying, and even now, continuing to support him, but perhaps they both have something on one another. Ty for covering this case. I think you did a fabulous job. ❤
  • @Pink89941
    CP was abusive last night. I can’t imagine what Sabastian went through in that home. Also, who does CP think he is telling Seth the rules on looking for his son. Somethings not right with that man. He has control and anger issues.
  • @mareavoce1272
    Trish I thought you conducted the interview (and CP) extremely patiently & graciously. You let him hang himself basically - infront of a huge audience. This was the real CP not the Nancy Grace version.
  • @kjmac5236
    When Cp is diverting attention or attempting to regain control over an undesired question or topic, he goes directly to the tactic of escalation the. Uses aggressive anger while convoluting the question asked. He uses 3 key phrases to accomplish this, “I’m going to make this real simple”. “I want to make this Crystal clear” or “let me help you with something”.
  • Chris is the one who is the "REASON" SEBASTIAN IS MISSING.... HE'S A NARCISSIST.....The interview told it all
  • The temper and impatience that Chris displayed on your podcast was actually frightening. I couldn't help but think of Chris addressing Sebastian with a belt in his hand. Poor Sebastian. It's horrifying!! 💔💔💚💚💚💚
  • My thoughts on Mr Chris is he is more worried about what people are saying about him and not about finding Sebastian. 💚
  • @pf4063
    Just one more comment!!! CP blames Seth’s interviews for all the negative social media coverage - actually it all started due to CPs own statements about Sebastian in his initial interviews BEFORE Seth ever said a word!
  • The only ppl that think Chris behaviour on your panel was acceptable must be raging narcissists just like him. I was hoping and praying Sebastian did run away but after this I don’t think that anymore. You hit a nerve with him , he got his panties in a bunch over suggesting his parents are involved…red flags 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
  • @DoctorSuezz
    Well, I for one appreciated your channel immensely last night. That's exactly what any 3 letter agency would be looking for in an investigation... " at what point does CP, (or any close to the case), lose his/her composure"... I saw so much manipulation, gaslighting, neurotic outbursts, etc. CP HAS to tell everyone he's this outstanding man with great control, yet we have been fortunate to see this is one thing in his life he is realizing he can't control which makes him "out of control". Your channel captures some great jewels of information last night and i guarantee the PI's were taking notes. ❤ I joined your channel. I appreciate and respect how you keep your channel and chat clean and I look forward to getting to know your channel and members better. Best regards! ❤
  • @barbpace-lamb
    Trisha your respectful professionalism was wonderful