Breaking Free From Circular Conversations

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👉 Do you feel trapped in frustrating, circular conversations that repeat endlessly without resolution? In this insightful video, Teal Swan reveals the three root causes behind these draining cycles of conflict and provides practical strategies to break free for good.

Discover how to uncover the real issues beneath surface arguments, accommodate each person's fears and needs, and reach lasting understanding. Stop wasting energy on repetitive fights and learn to communicate effectively. Watch now and gain the tools to escape circular conversations and find true resolution in your relationships.

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👉 Who Is Teal Swan?
Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author, and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom, and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Teal Swan Intro by Christian De

コメント (21)
  • People tend to get involved in those conversations thinking that their point will finally get through when in reality it’s a waste of time if it got to that situation to begin with ❤😂
  • Here are some phrases and questions to help end circular conversations: ### Phrases: 1. "I understand your perspective. Let's focus on finding a solution." 2. "It seems like we're going in circles. Can we try a different approach?" 3. "I hear you. How can we move forward from here?" 4. "Let's take a step back and identify what we both need." 5. "I think we've covered this point thoroughly. What can we do next?" ### Questions: 1. "What do you think is the main issue we're facing here?" 2. "How can we address your main concern?" 3. "What solution would you propose?" 4. "Is there something specific you need from me to move forward?" 5. "What can we both do differently to resolve this?"
  • @King_of_Sofa
    One does not simply end circular conversations. One simply stops participating in them. And this is a very nuanced subject that has everything to do with interpretations, subjective perception, and the self
  • @dameanvil
    0:00 😠 Circular conversations are frustrating and draining, causing people to shut down on communication. 0:22 🔄 Circular conversations are arguments that repeat without resolution, often due to opposing positions or deeper unresolved issues. 1:45 💬 In cases of pseudo-resolution, arguments seem settled but resurface repeatedly, making participants feel like they're in a never-ending loop. 3:01 🛠 Resolving circular conversations involves understanding the core values and fears of both parties and addressing them to find common ground. 3:38 👔 Example: Bob and Nicholas resolve their work argument by identifying their underlying concerns about performance and inefficiency. 7:24 ⏳ Circular conversations can serve as a smoke screen for avoiding change, often benefiting one person by temporarily removing pressure. 7:48 🐶 Example: Jessica uncovers the truth behind David's avoidance of dog responsibilities, revealing his lack of interest in having a dog. 10:50 🚧 Some circular conversations hide deeper issues; resolving them requires digging into the real reasons behind the conflict. 13:20 🏠 Example: Sandy and Marielle's argument over house chores uncovers deeper feelings of neglect and being taken for granted. 14:00 🛑 Drawing attention to the circular nature of a conversation and using reflective listening can help end these drainin
  • @Moonbunny55
    The second one is the exact reason why my marriage fell apart. The communication never went deeper. I tried but when someone doesn’t want to talk it out then by def😢the circular pattern stayed where it was spinning and spinning down hill until it was obvious that divorcing was the only option. How brutal it is to be in a long term relationship with someone who wasn’t interested in actually being in a relationship. The love I thought was there was an illusion 😢
  • The people that need these videos are the ones that don’t watch it lmao
  • Frustration with Unity Consciousness. Everything involving LOVE has to do with listening. Narcissism is resistent to listening.
  • That woven art in the background is absolutely beautiful!
  • Imagine being accused of this by the one who refuses to change their behaviour or apologise or even accept why you're going round in circles...
  • @MarkAble8
    Circular conversations are examples of why awareness itself is curative of all social dysfunction and emotional insecurities. Awareness of our own chattering mind and delicate emotions is the cure. Awareness itself is the cure. The trouble is awareness exists way beyond the little ego people find so important.
  • It’s a common tactic used by narcissists in interpersonal relationships .. it usually never ends when the other is trying to have a relationship that isn’t a one way street
  • Circular conversations happen everyday in the business arena. That’s why nothing gets done.😊
  • "Whatever you understand, you are less afraid of and therefore able to be more kind to". ”Kind is an other-oriented behavior where you demonstrate that you can act in the best interest of others. A kind person feels empathy and acts in the best interests of others. A kind person is exhibiting strength. A kind person acts from care and love”. Teal Swan 🌎 thank you Teal for helping us understand Humans 😘
  • I don’t get stuck in these because I’m more often than not listening to learn. If the conversation moves in a direction where I can tell the person is not understanding what it is I’m attempting to convey I let them know I’ve learned a lot and I’ll continue to think about what they have presented. Then I exit the exchange… they weren’t ready…
  • @israelkanz
    For me, I call it "closed mindedness keeping you from understanding" and understanding is necessary for a religious life.
  • @hinikki8747
    Oh my gosh, all my hubby and I do is have circular conversations. We go round and round but he is so casual and loving about it, you can't argue with him. Its a quiet debate. He uses compliments and gifts as tactical gear. Its wonderful and we also get nothing accomplished quickly.
  • I was in this circumstance three times and the other party is the only one that wants to be heard shut me down, can’t get a word in edgewise so I decided to tell them to get the hell out of my house.
  • What I'm hearing you say is that it's important to understand the other person.
  • I had my circular conversation/argument again this week. So glad Teal did this topic!