THIS HAS TO CHANGE! Dislyte 2.0 | Dislyte

Published 2022-12-28
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Mysterious sites, the Miracles blinked into existence across the world. Along with their arrival, destructive monsters appeared, spilling forth to wreak havoc and destruction.
Certain individuals, affected by the sonic waves emitted by the Miracles, found themselves developing divine powers of mythological gods. Called Espers, these new heroes were the only ones capable of effectively battling the monsters.
Now, in humanity's darkest hour, the Espers have risen to shield humanity and restore order. With your help, can humanity survive?

Past and the future collide! Witness ancient deities and mythological beasts in ways never seen before do battle. Divine power has been bestowed upon ordinary people turning them into ‘Espers’. Build your own squad and take the fight to the enemy.

The divine power to awaken Espers comes from gods of worldwide mythologies, including Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, and Northern European. They take on diverse appearances and personalities, depending on from whom they received the power.

Take yourself down to funky town! Enjoy the smooth city soundscapes on every street corner, discover new sounds and drop the beat with a unique gacha system.

Assemble the ultimate lineup of battle-ready heroes. Feel the thrill of combat pump through you as you protect the city from the next attack. Adapt and perfect your strategy with each turn, using your skills and wisdom to reverse a bad situation to your advantage!

Destiny awaits you in Dislyte. Join the adventure now!

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All Comments (21)
  • @ZoxaskunX
    This is my feed back on everything, im still going to be pumping out content, but it doesnt change the fact we have issues with update, as things adjust or change ill make sure to update it so lets hope things get better sooner than later!
  • I loved this update, but when I saw the ritual miracle changes I felt my excitement going down. I am a F2P player and I spent almost 3 days trying to get a K15 team with a decent win rate, I succeeded and it was fun. After the update I came back only to find out that my team was completely useless now, I felt really sad Knowing that my efforts had been in vain. I really tried to make a team the last few days, but with Kronos being pretty much immune to poison it seems like I won't be able to get gear again
  • @Xigni_
    I agree totally with the lack of transparency part. Sneakily adding things that negatively affect the player base gives off a vibe that they knew people wouldn't like it, so they just didn't say anything about it, hoping that people wouldn't notice or bring it up. I expected to be playing non-stop trying to figure things out, and I didn't mind leveling new units to do the bosses, but when they eviscerate every facet of leveling up espers and removing XP boosters, it's impossible. I will give them credit for some of the additions because Blitz Chips, Wish Stones, and the XP cap increase were absolutely amazing changes, but for every 1 good change, there were 2 awful ones. I actually had the same idea as Zox did of simply adding stages 17-20 to the bosses with extra mechanics and even increasing the level cap of gear past 60 as an incentive of playing it with level 65 and 70 gear maybe guaranteeing a 3+ innate substat rolls per gear piece. That is why it baffles me that an entire team of people couldn't come up with something better than what they released. I just hope that some of these things get hotfixes immediately so I can keep playing again.
  • @LazyBoz-mk9qq
    im glad that you addressed these issues. Im getting tired of some of these people defending lilith for just bad game design by being blinded by gr
  • thanks for being the first one to step up and say this stuff people have complained about a lot that i don’t feel was that bad …. but sonic rift is the absolute worst change to the game thus far. i quite literally cannot play the game right now because i have no stamina, no xp, and no gold this has to get hot fixed to match pre 3.1.7 xp/gold gains
  • @Maybeelean88
    I really hate the exp system in this game. Most gachas have a lvl sync where your guys are the same lvl of your highest 5. It really makes sense especially if you are designing your game around different comps. I'm on the verge of quitting because I can't clear any content as a newer player.
  • If the devs don’t fix these things I’m just gonna call it quits soon. I was finally getting close to end game, finalizing my teams to farm for everett and now they changed and buffed the ritual bosses and so i have to build new units, which I didn’t mind that much, except the fact that it’s a pain in the ass to farm for exp. Thank god i had a bunch of purple experimons saved up and was able to build like 5 units to lvl50-60 but I can’t imagine how hard it’d be for newbies to level up their espers. Also I spent like 3 hours trying to do k14 but still can’t win, and the drops for ritual stages are just complete ass now considering how hard it is to farm them, floor 12+ used to give us lvl50-60 relics, now you have to get to floor 14 in order to get that, anything below 14 will give you more shit lvl40 relics than lvl50 even . They’re just, smh so many problems with this new update it’s sad
  • @luctors
    i feel you zox.... i read on the chat most new player been really dissappointed with the game
  • @bimfade2712
    honestly speaking, as far as this update goes, it just needs a few tweaks here and there. then it would be alot better. first off, the SONIC RIFT. like that has to be addressed first! i have no issue with the concept of sonic rift, but what i do have issue with is the rewards of sonic rift. if they really want to do sonic rift, then they need to realize what they taken away from us first. which is the practice stages. the practice stages gave us a way to farm gold and exp. the amount of exp you can get in a practice stage WAY exceeded what sonic rift gives out. so they need to account for not 1 espers worth of exp but 5 espers worth of exp. essentially they need to increase the exp reward by at least 6x, then they should double it as gold farm and honestly i cant remember the exact amount but im pretty sure its 15,000 gold per run if im not mistaken or close to it. they need to give gold in sonic rift and have it give at least double or 1.5x more than practice stages. and if they must, in return for doing at least this much, they could prob get away with increasing stam cost by 2-4 more in sonic rift in accordance with what i said they SHOULD do. then as for RITUAL MIRACLE, honestly if they wanted to make more diversity, then they went about it in the most stupidest way, cut off the poison immunity, like they should of done, with all of them or at least make it so that 1-3 poison stacks can be applied at most. then as far as element type advantage, its not a bad idea to emphasize that, but they did it in a stupid way that counter intuitive to what they said they want. team diversity? sure thats a good idea, then they NEED to get rid of obstacles of that, which involves them getting rid of the, INCREASED DAMAGE TO NON THIS OR THAT ELEMENT, meaning, for kronos, i should NOT be suffering just because i have inferno esper out facing him, if they HAVE to keep some portion of that stupid buff then make it sound sensible, keep the increase damage and make it ONLY for wind and not EVERYTHING ELSE THAT IS NOT FLOW. i mean honestly, this is REAL SIMPLE LOGIC. as for CUBE MIRACLE, if they are going to be removing nexus crystals and gold records, then they should at the very least double the rest of what you can get in cube miracle. that's just plain courtesy, if their gonna be trying to claim that we can get more nexus crystals and gold records easily, then they should of increased the limit of what ya can get for bounties and how many bounties you can get, this isnt rocket science, like i understand why they made calamity island, it kinda like a replacement option and im sure the math works out in some way. however in terms of gold records and crystals, it still isnt suitable enough of a replacement, so they should up other things. cause you need to keep in mind that they took out gold records and such from shops and thats just inexcusable honestly, if they MUST make it more difficult to get cause of some cash greedy business, then its simple, just increase the cost of it by at least 1.5x then as for making sure its easier to get new espers or same espers, the wish system is just lame. they should bring back the ripple boxes that was available for clubs. if they truly wanted to make it so you can get new or old espers, they should of improved on the ripple boxes, not just take it away. thats just bad management and everything else. what they could of done, was make it so that it cost slightly more, it was originally at 800? they could of made it cost 1000 or 1200, with that being justified by saying you can make espers you dont even have yet, then nerf the box a bit by making it give only 3-4 at a time instead. will everyone be mad at something like this? probably? would they be madder at me mentioning something like this? most definitely. would it improve the experience of everyone though? that was a rhetorical question because of course it would. then afterwards, they could monotize it by making it cost around 1,750 crystals or somewhere around that much. or just monotize it by making available in triki shop? what was the event called? gray water something? i honestly cant recall it exactly. regardless if they went that route, they would just have to make sure that 3-6 is available to buy at that time. id like to thank anyone that listened to this rant/suggestions of mine. i know that its a long read but hey, im pretty sure most people would agree that what i said is MOSTLY fair
  • @SamAdamsThe1
    I agree with a lot of that.. before the update my biggest issue was not being able to get certain espers, which was frustrating.. NOW.. I have a few of the ones I wanted but I can’t give them what they need to be successful! Can’t farm for the relics I need (even though I used to) and even when I get them I can’t get enough gold to do anything with them
  • @rebellion8930
    great stuff! good looking out and hopefully reaches the devs and the gm.
  • @He2Vay
    There's things I love about the update like the event, new esper, and reso changes and then there's the ritual miracle changes... I wasn't even able to beat K14 BEFORE the update. Now, I can't even beat 11 faithfully. So, the relic quality I was able to get has gone down tremendously and I really have no idea how to progress as a F2P
  • I hate that they took away the practice stages to level units. I finally got 3 different characters I have wanted since I started the game and I can only level one of them because I don’t have enough expiremon for the rest and can’t level them any other way.
  • Also something I realized later is getting experience, those practice stages were so good with an exp booster, but that is gone too, now we pay 15 energy for less than half of the experience, truly wild
  • @jose17981
    You said exactly what is happening, I don't know why the company made things that were already working worse
  • I was thinking myself earlier on how adding harder floors 17-20 would be so much better than changing the existing floors. Make players use specific espers in the endgame, not early-mid game where players likely won't have those espers, and in turn for the hassle of building up more characters it could give you more 6 star relics or maybe guaranteed superior/flawless quality. That'd be a great change worthy of the level of difficulty that things are at now
  • Dislyte needs way better QA before pushing updates. I agree they need to tap the player base to help them refine their pipeline. Right now it feels like every major update they just throw darts at the board and hide under a desk as they release it.
  • @omroyorsmith
    I agree with you , my problem is the ritual miracle, I have tried apep yet, but this k16 and dad to me is crazy I can’t get a single good relic, much less even beating it … and this xp thing is crazy, all in all I’m still kinda loving the game.
  • @pourabdas9836
    Exactly zox i also love this game but now the game itself is stopping me from playing its really sad
  • Hey bro, I’m going crazy with this game. What’s the new way to level up your characters. Is there somewhere to get purple resources because that training mode that they give you a resource sucks I never give you anything purple