Chase Rice - Bench Seat (Official Music Video)


コメント (21)
  • There arent many ways to make a grown man cry....but this is one of them.
  • 13 years ago I had a gun in my mouth, finger on the trigger. It was my black lab Frankie that kept me here that day. This song hit me hard. I miss that girl so much. My life is better now and I'm glad I stayed that day.
  • How many other people have been saved by their Dogs, you know it is God spelled backwards. Love this song. Thank you so much.
  • @RexJennings
    My dog Sadie passed away this morning. Absolutely sudden. She was 9 years old and heathy. Fed the best, slept in my bed... She was our kid... Typing thru tears i beg you.... Hug your dog. Pay attention to your kids. Because when God calls his pups.... They come running.
  • My jaw dropped when I realized the song was from the dogs point of view… beautifully written with a strong message. So many gone too soon.
  • Spoiler Alert: That moment when you realize it's all from the dogs perspective is unbelieveable. I've never seen or heard a better, more gut wrenchingly beautiful song.
  • @RohanChoppin
    My dog passed two weeks ago. He was a rescue who saved my life from depression. Thank you for this beautiful song to remind me I saved him too!
  • You just made a grown man cry. Missing all my old dogs. They saved me more then they will ever know.
  • Well shit. I wasn’t expecting to cry over a music video today, but here we are. Talk about hitting you right in the heart
  • @rmnpauieee
    I’ve never been moved by a music video before. That “Let’s get you home” line in the end made me cry like a baby
  • As a 10 year marine vet and someone who’s lost 3 close friends to suicide i truly appreciate this song and video. Feel this has changed my outlook on a lot. A dog a companion someone who doesn’t speak but is there for you 100% knows you more than anyone. Magical….
  • I just grew a whole new respect for this man. Thank you Chase. You have no idea the ways you just touched my heart. We don’t deserve dogs.
  • My dog passed away 1 week ago, this song hit me. Miss my buddy next to me.
  • @richiec1130
    I’m gonna miss my pup… he don’t got to much longer… 💔 Love you Billy
  • @bjmahar3834
    Not many songs that hit me like this. Went from D1 athletic scholarships and the world in front of me to nothing. Got hurt my freshman year of college and went down the road of prescription painkillers which eventually led to heroin since it was cheaper and I had been caught embezzling money for my habit. My golden retriever Charlie saved my life and is the reason I am here today. Got him June 9 2016. I did t get sober at that time but he gave me something to live for. I’ll never forget the day I was gonna take my own life by shooting an obscene amount of heroin/fentanyl. Before I got the needle to my arm I heard his whimpering g outside the bathroom door like he already knew. Needless to say I didn’t take my life that day. He kept me going until I could keep myself going. Clean since March 30,2018. That dog saved me life
  • Wow I just found this song, what a very powerful song, so many people are falling in the dark trap everyday, Pray for your family and friends and check on them God loves all❤❤❤❤
  • Army widow here. Lost my husband 12 years ago to PTSD. This is one powerful song. Animals are so healing! I have a Manx cat that is a certified therapy pet and before I retired him, we visited veteran homes, nursing homes and hospice so we could bring some sunshine and smiles to the people there. He definitely helped me to work through my PTSD and trauma. Animals are so amazing.
  • @mikecoats9853
    Glad I'm not the only one truly moved by this song! Prayers for all who suffer in silence! 🙏
  • love this video ...i have 13 years clean and sober...the road is never easy...some make it and some fall and never get back up...i am thankfull everyday that i am still here and still clean and sober...thank you for making this video and being real about everything