Survivor's Most Pointless Blindsides

Published 2023-04-09
When you've got a big moveitis fever, the only prescription is a completely pointless blindside.

Music: Silent Partner - New Tires

All Comments (21)
  • Missy voting out Chelsea to save Karishma only to get voted out because of Karishma is sweet payback for how she treated her the whole game.
  • Michaela getting duped in M v Gen X was definitely not necessary but I am glad it gave us one of the most iconic exit and facial reactions
  • Forgetting Chris's name is your number one running gag. It happens in every video where you mention EoE.
  • @bencalebrod
    The people involved with these blindsides (except Wardog) are who I like to call "Threat Zombies": they must take down a big threat at every tribal they attend, with no concern of how it affects their positioning in the game.
  • Another pointless blindside was Denise sending Sandra home in WAW after Sandra gave her an extra idol. Not only does Denise send someone home who was actively trying to help her, Sandra was someone she could've used as a meat shield for a few rounds (similar to what Jeremy did in Cambodia with Fishbach). Speaking of Jeremy, Denise also misplays her second idol on him at that same tribal. If she holds onto that idol, she has it for final 6, where she'd be able to send Sarah home via auto elimination, which couldve led to a run at FTC.
  • @nicholasr9892
    Was hoping Jim Rice saving Cochran to vote out Elyse would be on here. Move probably in the long run totally tanked Savaii because there's no way Elyse flips to Upolu like Cochran did
  • Joel voting out Mary is such an underrated stupid move by Joel, but also an underrated great move by Tracy (I feel like you didn't gave her enough credit in the video) considering the fact that she is the one who got Joel to this move and the player who is benefited from it the most (I know Chet was the target so he benefit from the move more, but I just think calling Chet a "player" is a bit of a stretch)
  • The best idoled out vids are the ones where he roasts everyone the whole video 😂
  • @FlynnMasters
    Poor Chelsea had to have the showmance label on her because the editors were that desperate to look for a reason to explain Missy's decision
  • Definitely an omission in Gabby's blindsiding of Carl (leaving Davie and Nick in the dark) in DvG Final 9, and then on top of that attempting to blindside her remaining loyal ally Christian the vote after. While I can understand Gabby's frustration at Carl dictating the vote, the Davids had JUST miraculously earned a majority for the first time, and in the last two votes Carl, Davie and Nick burnt their advantages to earn it for them. Biting the hand that feeds you this early never pays off, and had Gabby just waited one or two more tribals to blindside Carl, she and Christian may have been left in a power position afterwards. Instead, she left them with two different sides who were all too happy to put aside their differences to slay the betrayers - and when she attempted a second Bigmovitis play against Christian, he had enough social capital that (according to his postgame interviews) three different people in two different alliances all told him he was the vote and to play his Idol! Two people that Gabby thought she was flipping to (I think Allison and Mike White) correctly stuck the knife in her back and with Christian's idol play, two votes sent her packing. If she had managed to wait until 7 (preferably) or 8 for the Carl blindside and then simply let Christian's rivals take him out as the huge threat he was, she could have very well won the game. Her blunder turned a great season into an absolutely top-tier one, but it was a blunder of a blindside nonetheless.
  • @Quetzal00358
    Island of the Idols was the first season my sister watched live with me. Even she could tell how dumb Missy voting out Chelsea was
  • @TheOscar401
    There’s also Alec blindsiding Natalia in David vs Goliath
  • Timestamps: Kellee voting out Jack: 1:10 Jay and Will blindside Michaela: 3:43 Joel voting out Mary: 5:49 Wardog blindsiding Wentworth: 8:12 Missy blindsiding Chelsea: 10:32 Thank you as always for another fun video. Feeding my Survivor fix!!
  • While it sucks that Kellee was on this list, she did definitely deserve it. This did show that timed idols do incentivize big moves whether good or bad
  • @andyland5555
    I'm surprised the chain of Will going to rocks to save Zeke, only to blindside Zeke the next round for no reason, to being voted out next didn't make the cut
  • Rotu 4 blindsiding Gabe in Season 4 was also pretty pointless. Looking back on it, it's amazing how 4 people thought that was a good idea.
  • Lauren also talks about how in EOE, there was an unaired reward challenge that Kelly/Lauren went on without Wardog, and that’s why Wardog targeted Kelly because he wasn’t picked to go on the reward