Carly-Jay Metcalfe: On dying, living, and learning to breathe | ABC Conversations Podcast

Published 2024-05-10
Carly-Jay Metcalfe was born with cystic fibrosis, which at the time, cut lives very short.

As she grew up, many friends on her hospital wards would die from the disease. But then she was offered a chance at a different life.

At the age of 21, she was given a new set of lungs, in a transplant which came at the very last moment.

Her doctors told her it could grant her up to 5 more years. But instead, 27 years have passed.

In Carly's memoir, she writes about how in a life underscored with illness and grief, humour and optimism have fuelled her survival.

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Carmel Rooney, Executive Producer
Nicola Harrison, Researcher
Sarah Kanowski, Presenter

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