Please Don't Buy This If You Care About Apex Legends

Publicado 2024-07-23
Please Don't Buy This If You Care About Apex Legends

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @GrandMasterShiro
    Don’t buy jack, don’t give EA your money. They’ll always have more than you ever will, and giving it to them won’t help the cause
  • @xlucifer6956
    This whole milestone reward system shouldve stopped after the Final Fantasy event. One and done
  • @George-vn7co
    Seeing streamers buying this is actually so ridiculous, tony romero over on his stream is buying everything....
  • @adriannnf
    You know your games in a bad spot when a content creator that can use it as a tax write off still won’t buy your scummy recolor and skins that no one wants. Rip apex
  • @AR_ZO
    I just did the math, the whole event is 16,600 apex coins. (100+300+500+500+500+500 +700+700+700+700+700 +700+1,000+1,000+1,000 +1,000+1,000+1,000+1,000 +1,000+1,000+1,000=16,600) In case you're Mr. Moneybags and need to know how much to spend on the game, you're welcome. I'm definitely not going to, this is ridiculous.
  • @The808Ohana
    Fans: what are your plans for Apex Season 22? EA: money
  • this is the biggest apex boycott, either this works or we have to actually uninstall completely
  • @thuggwaffle8825
    The worst part about recolors is that it probably takes one dev maybe a couple hours to apply a different color scheme to an old skin. And there’s literally making millions off of it.
  • @ThePlayerMerio
    I will never again spend money if they dont fix cheaters and worst mm in history of gaming
  • @thelastjedi06
    Honestly, they’re probably just going to put it in the reactive shop sometime in the future, seeing as they don’t care about event/battlepass exclusivity anymore
  • @SBGames8
    Milestone events were the worst addition. - Remove Milestone events - Revert Battle Pass - Remove cheaters - Fix audio and bugs already - Fix matchmaking Also, why do items need to be so expensive? They are literally setting prices on arbitrary items. I do not see what "market" they are competing in here. I don't think they realize how many more sales they would make with cheaper, fairer prices.
  • We should just stop buying in general, the game is literally on life support. It's time to finally let go of this game.
  • @Silenceaverted
    “Milestone” events are an insult to intelligence. There’s no milestone achieved for actually playing the game and earning the items, it’s just a whale tracker
  • @jackshadow1234
    The funny thing is they'd make MORE money if they actually just put a price on every item and make them all buyable.
  • @unfinessable463
    I'm not buying anything into this game ever again!! It's only for grinding now.. 💪
  • @dodge_dabs7106
    I love tony Romero but he let me down buying the new event. Just another sheep walking the flock towards the wolfs🤡