Isaac Newton: Laws of motion from the law of God | Stephen Meyer on the Scientific Revolution

Published 2024-04-15
Learn more about Isaac Newton šŸŽ

Isaac Newton Documentary with Simon Schaffer (1983)
Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā IsaacĀ Newton:Ā HisĀ lifeĀ andĀ WorkĀ -Ā Sim...Ā Ā 

Stephen Snobelen

Ted Davis

Thomas C. Pfizenmaier

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All Comments (21)
  • @sam79014
    You have no idea how much of a blessing you have been to my small Christian community in Ghana. I pray for grace for you to continue.šŸ™
  • @lucienboute
    I never get tired of watching Dr Tour and Stephen Meyer, very inspirational
  • @alexhudson-
    I was 10 years old in 1996 and sitting with my family at the seatac airport in Washington waiting for a flight to Disneyland and I asked my dad if I could pick out a book in the store by our flight's gate and he said sure, but hurry up and pick one. I grabbed the first book completely based off the front cover and it was Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe. My dad bought it and actually read it first and gave it back to me and said I won't have any idea what it's about and told me to hold onto it and read it later. 20 years later in 2016 grabbed it out of my dusty closet and I read the book. Not until 2022 did I even discover that James and Stephen on Youtube let alone their association for lack of a better term with Michael Behe. Still blows my mind.
  • @asphilosophy2430
    Newton... a brilliant man who made incalculable contributions to the progress of mankind.
  • @tiffanymagee2700
    Two of my favorite speakers. Thank you for all you do to promote real science!
  • @AlexCPauwels85
    I have a 8 year old who is fascinated by astronomy and all things science and as a mother I want him to know how can the Christian faith sustains the scientific advances so this discussion is a blessing from God so I can inform myself better so I can teach and guide him ā¤ļøšŸ™ God bless you brethren
  • @AdamosDad
    A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. 2Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge
  • @magnusdude61
    I could listen to dr Meyer lecture all day long
  • @eljarrito8181
    The naturalists complain that God is "off limits" because they can't "put Him in a test-tube". That is of course true... He would not be God if we could put Him in a test-tube. As the Creator, He is transcendent and outside of His creation. So ANY analogy that we try to use to understand Him uses created objects and concepts. Thus they are all doomed to fail beyond the most simplistic and basic levels. Still, I can experience His grace and redemption, I can love Him and be loved, and the most intense hours of worship in my life have come when I stumbled across instances of His infinite wisdom deep within the molecular biology of my cells. It is absolutely stunning...
  • Thanking God for you brothers, following from Kenya šŸ™šŸ¾
  • @enidsnarb
    Yes in the name of Jesus Christ ! 45 years ago early in faith I was in a 1960 VW bug with my friend who had tons of faith and we broke down in a very very bad place in South Central Los Angeles for us , like going into a meat grinder ! We tried and tried to push start the car and nothing ! I would go back and check the spark and look at the fuel lines but still nothing ! Finally in a last desperate attempt my friend says as I pull out the clutch for the umteenth time ; ā€œ in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to startā€ and wow if it didnā€™t start right then and we drove out of a very rough gang neighborhood back to the sticks ! The kind of memory that really stays with you ! The name indeed!!!
  • @RedBird77
    2 of my heroes. This is so enjoyable and fascinating.
  • @noelajones619
    Iā€™m a common garden Christian and have just delighted in listening to you two Scholars think out loud. What a treat as you bring out Sir Isaac Newtonā€™s Biblical understanding of the trinity (I prefer triunity). Thank you for letting me eavesdrop. ā¤
  • @csmoviles
    Thank you both for your ministry ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤. May God bless you allā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤
  • @bobdalton2062
    This was so excellent!! Steven is a wealth of information , knowledge and wisdom! It's always a pleasure to hear him explain ! Having myself read the Principia (cover to cover), I can confirm what Steven mentioned. Thank you both for this!
  • @felipechua991
    I am now 63 y.o, a young minister yet I felt so much that I didn't know. These videos are very appropriate for seekers of truth but skeptical about explanations of Bible truth. God truly is magnificent. I will follow your video
  • @htcbenoni
    I agree with Dr Meyer's view of miracles - of God not violating any laws. The fact that Jesus walked on the water, not floating above it, illustrates the point perfectly well.
  • Wow, Dr Meyer is the smartest guy I know. Praise God for mighty men like these.
  • @mickknight6963
    I love what Lennox says when people accuse him of ascribing to notion of "the God of the gaps". He says, "I believe God is the reason for the whole show! The things we do know as well as the things we don't know." That's a very important distinction. Just because we do not know what energy is, what gravity is, and many other natural forces we interact with daily, to say God is behind it, is not a cop out. For He is also behind all the things we can explain mechanically in science. But its just that these particular mysteries leave us with nothing else to talk about except the wonder of creation and giving credit where credit is due. GOD. This is fascinating.