Archeologists Discover Perfectly Preserved WW2 Bomber | Digging for Britain

Archeologists Discover The Only Complete WW2 Fairey Barracuda Bomber
The Most Incredible WW2 Archeological Discoveries

Professor Alice Roberts and teams of archeologists across the UK take part in key excavations of WW2 artefacts. These include the raising of a World War II Fairy Barracuda bomber from the English Channel, an exploration of a hostel for Holocaust survivors in the Lake District, and the excavation of US Army paratroopers' barracks in Salisbury.

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コメント (21)
  • The team’s definition of perfectly preserved differs incredibly from mine.
  • @dandesch
    It is a Perfectly preserved mostly destroyed, full of concretions , fragile, intact almost serviceable aircraft, incredible!!
  • I have dealt with batteries for years. I have sold, tested, and restored thousands. Without changing any parts, I managed to bring back a 17 year old battery that had been discharged for 9 years. I'm proud of that one, but I would love to see them smash my record and get one of those airplane batteries going again. That would be awesome.
  • Guitar maker here. Those machine heads are designed for a slotted headstock for mandolin, bouzouki, or Irish bouzouki. The give away is the roller design and string hole placement. Assuming they are standard rotational pitch they're off the treble side of the instrument. The buttons look to be pearlised, and I noticed they still catch the light despite all that time underground.
  • I'm so in love with Prof Alice. I've never enjoyed archaeology so much in my life, and I love archaeology, lol.
  • The little Unicorn pendant: Were the children staying there, staying there around Christmas time ? That little plastic unicorn could be from a Christmas cracker.
  • @CAP198462
    Anyone else hear Wessex Archaeology and immediately think, Phil? Pavlovian conditioning.
  • Professor Dr. Roberts is, as always, a brilliant, sensitive, presenter, scholar, and teacher to all of us.
  • I read Ken Smalls book and actually met him not long before he passed. He used to park his Vw golf near the tank and liked to chat about the tank and it's recovery and Operation Tiger. He had to"buy" the tank off the American government, I think it cost him a dollar! He had quite a struggle initially dealing with them ,as I think it was an embarrassment that a Briton was instigating a memorial ,not the US government. Needless to say his persistance paid off! He was a really nice guy and his book is a good read.
  • @thewatcher5271
    Great Documentary! My Dad Was There, 101 Airborne. 60 Years Ago, He Told Me They Jumped At 1:00 AM & The First Jump At Night! Thank You.
  • It was not a subject matter I thought I would be interested in. But how wrong I was to think that—it was fascinating, and the storyline was brilliantly told, as always. This series with Prof Roberts has fast become my favourite archaeological program. Long may it remain so.
  • Sorry... but that title redefines the meaning of "perfectly preserved".
  • Stories from Holocaust survivors always break a part of my soul. I’ll never comprehend how that hatred spread like the deathly social/ racist virus it was. May all be at rest. May the survivors find some healing. We MUST NEVER let history repeat like this! Love wins over hate everyone; so just LOVE! On a lighter note, I so enjoy the finds bringing the past up for us to see, learn, imagine times so long ago. I love this program! In my next life I hope I’m an archeologist😊
  • @zworm2
    The Operation Tiger disaster was such a blow mainly due to the number of valuable LSTs that were lost it almost scuttled the D-Day plans. They barely had enough LSTs to complete the landings. The amphibious tanks were a death trap and never really worked. Amazing amateur archeology work by Mr. Small. Thank you
  • For one, I would not expect Alice to have been responsible for the title and if you think about it, if it was unearthed from anywhere it is not going to be looking like it just came straight from the factory.
  • Really enjoyed this one Alice I had uncle that was over there during the war thanks for some great history and archeological work
  • Perfectly preserved? I have some "perfectly preserved" combat rations from 1963 if anyone from Unearthed History would like to chow down on it.