Greediest Game Company Ever

Published 2024-04-26

All Comments (21)
  • @Jerrbearr0520
    "I don't think mr Krabs would pull some shit like this" He sold Spongebob's soul for 62 cents
  • OW2 devs sweating realizing they could've just sold PVE for 250 bucks instead of canceling it
  • @0palOpal0pal
    For $250 US, you can get: • Almost 140 taco bell tacos • Markiplier's tactical shovel, with about $40 left over • A llama, from a llama rental at $150/hr • 4 copies of Luigi's Mansion 3 • Two pairs of eight inch heeled thigh-high vegan leather stripper boots • A rentable boyfriend for about 3 hours in Japan • A literal opal necklace from Kohls • 16 pairs of Hanes ecosmart sweatpants • a puppy
  • me when im in a commit the ultimate sin of greed competition and my opponent is video game companies
  • @monkeyslaye
    They took advice from the guy who wanted to have players pay $1 to reload their guns.
  • @LugftHuronAC
    Ive bought entire handguns for less than $250. My cat, an actual living being, was $100. Thats an insane price.
  • @ROFLBOB24
    Blizzard: we're going to destroy our game worse than anyone else in history BSG: hold our vodka
  • @Poot-da-doot
    the worst part is, this sets a precedent for other game companies. AAA games have gone up $60 to $70, so now that a DLC has gone for $250, ultimate editions of games are gonna probably be more expensive
  • @raaedsyed722
    I love corporations destroying the affordability of the video game industry
  • @pengabob
    "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining" has never applied more to a situation.
  • @Aethemix
    EA be like "So we know you hated that $250 DLC, so here's our $249.99 DLC"
  • @gyrthez246
    I'm a lead dev for a small indie game studio that has a small live service game. This is the worst attempt at overblown monetization for a game expansion that I've seen this year. There is no game DLC or expansion that is worth 250$. I feel badly for the community manager here, they're going to be used as a scape goat. It's higher up management that have made this call and so the community manager can either defend it and keep their job or call it out as what it is and lose their job, they don't really have a choice or a say. To put it simply, your players are never stupid. If they like your game enough they'll buy into many things, but any promise you made to your players at any point you will be expected to keep. It takes 1 misstep, 1 wrong thing said, or 1 poorly thought out plan executed to completely and permanently destroy any level of trust your players had and cause them to leave the community without second chance. If you as a developer or staff member for the studio are having to sit there and make excuses for something, or try to place specific labels onto things to try to make your community separate it, the people you are trying to convince will catch on to what you're trying to do and they'll no longer trust your word. I know first hand that maintaining that trust and relationship with your community is never an easy task and requires a lot of sacrifice on your part that they will never see or understand and it will likely go forever unsaid and unacknowledged, but that's something that comes with the territory if you want a loyal customer base. The game studios that are highly acclaimed and have loyal supporters are in that position because they genuinely care about keeping their word and they demonstrate this by consistently delivering upon it.
  • @risenbow6592
    I'm pretty sure that if the whole "buy edge of darkness you get all future DLCs for free" was in the actual marketing, this counts as breach of contract with the public
  • @russpit34
    "Unheard" edition is ironically the best name they could've come up with
  • @reidv7577
    Every single person that would say, “$70 isn’t that bad, and it’s completely reasonable for a AAA game. I love the billion dollar company more than my fellow man” is at fault for this.
  • @kushlax9869
    Im glad this bs is being talked about. The greed of these game companys make me feel sick the way they prey on their fanbase
  • @smeauxk
    I've been on the fence with Tarkov for awhile now. I thought to myself, "this game is missing a $250 DLC, that would sell me."
  • @Cibohos
    trailblazing is the best description, literally never thought sth like whis was possible without absolutely bancrupting the company
  • @tokunin8324
    Fittingly called the “unheard edition” as that pricing is most definitely unheard of