Should Sonic Have a Girlfriend?

Published 2023-01-14
Should Sonic Have a Girlfriend? Many would say no, but I wanna offer my take on it using Amy Rose, Sally Acorn, Princess Elise and Sonic himself, as examples for why I think Romance has a place in this franchise.

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All Comments (21)
  • @SplashDash_
    Do you think Sonic should be allowed to get in a relationship šŸ¤”
  • Ah yes, A whole video dedicated to a fictional anthropomorphic hedgehogs love life.
  • I don't want Sonic characters in relationships cos I want to live in the delusion Rouge would pick me
  • @crashy918
    I'm pretty sure the only "love interest" Sonic definitely needs.... are chilidogs.
  • @castform7
    I've never really been interested in Sonic having a girlfriend (mostly cause the writing is never really there for good romantic relationships) but I think you've done a good job at showing me why that's not inherently a bad thing and why Sonic's free spirit while being a good definition of his character, can be used wrongfully as a limiter to emotions. As time went on, these mandates just make the world blander. Sonic can't have massive flaws and if he's out of comission, all of his genius powerhouse, never, not too far off in power from him friends are powerless. That's just not as interesting as it was before and I think it really limits what you can do. I'm not asking for Sonic to constantly hinder his team or cry all the time or for someone like Shadow to be a sensitive boy who recycles. I just want characters to get some of their layers back.
  • The way Amy was actually written in the Adventure games, Heroes and 06 are badly misinterpreted here. She's not just obsessed with Sonic mindlessly, and her love for Sonic being the core of her motivation is not a problem. In SA1, she wanted to be more independent because she didn't want to be a burden on Sonic. She wants Sonic's respect, and she wants to join in on Sonic's adventures. SA2 follows up on this, it's the motive behind every action she takes all game. In Heroes, this continues further and she's primarily helping Cream and Bug find their friends and their only lead was Sonic who Amy hasn't seen in a long time and misses. The entire dynamic between Sonic and Amy is built around the fact that Sonic IS NOT interested in romance at all precisely because he values his freedom above all else and views romance as tying him down. The only reason he even has friends is because Tails started following him and proved he can keep up and help. Amy is meant to challenge Sonic's disinterest or avoidance of romance, and her chasing after him is built around his nomadic freedom. Amy and Tails chase Sonic who is always moving, cause this is exactly what Sonic's "best friends" need to do in order to be part of his life at all. Otherwise they would never see him again.
  • For my take, I think having Sonic desire romance but be terrible at committing has been a consistent and reasonable facet of his character. He can have as many romances as the plot, or even a one-off joke, requires, but there should be an understanding between all of them that he can't manage anything more intimate than close friendship, or the brotherly love he shares with Tails. I'm open to different takes on the character, however.
  • @mr.goblin6039
    I think the reason Sonic feels that way now is because Sega doesnā€™t want another Archie or Ken Penders situation again. A big reason a lot of Sonic has been ā€œsanitizedā€ in a way is to make sure thereā€™s someone in charge and thereā€™s consistencyā€¦ and less lawsuits.
  • @Velocity42
    I'm moreso mixed with the idea of Sonic having a partner. On one hand, it would be interesting to see more character dynamics between Sonic and the gang grow and become more realized and being expanded upon. On the other hand, unless there's someone who would respect with his "being free with the wind" motives, keep up with his adventurous ideals or whatever, I don't think Sonic's the type of guy to be fully committed of being in a full-on romantic relationship..., the shipping wars would probably be tremendously apocalyptic of all hell, as if there wasn't bad enough with the civil war between Sonamy and Sonally lol
  • So basically, Sonic had gone from "this ain't your dad's old Mario game!" to just being... well, Mario.
  • @ftrwrwbg
    I donā€™t think thereā€™s any issue with it. It all comes down to the writing. But for some reason as of now Sega actively prevents writers who genuinely want to flesh out Sonic & friends in a meaningful way from doing so. The writers have made it clear for whatever reason Sega hates character development and hates changing the status quo at all.
  • @demetriusnp49
    Honestly this is a massive grey area. Sonic has had many inconsistencies and interpretations, hard to be considered what best suits his characterization. I do sorta miss where he was just there doing his thing, and then became part of the major arc. But this is a new generation, and the Sonic we have now while not the greatest and sometimes badā€¦is their new favorite. So hopefully they enjoy him.
  • @BlitzPlum
    The rise of social media being represented as Dark Gaia energy is extremely fitting.
  • @dumbsville
    Easy answer: Sonic needs to date me instead. šŸ˜
  • @idea4965
    Do you guys remember that when Vandalize came out, people were theorizing that Sonic got into a "romantic fight" with someone? Glad that never happened
  • @kinggalactix
    Short Answer: No. Long Answer: Unless he finds someone he has shared interests in that don't majorly clash with his adventurous style, and he has feelings for them and vice versa, then no. Edit: it also could gives both of them character development and growth, if possible. Otherwise, it can just be wholesome vibes.
  • I will say this. The problem with Sonic and Elise's relationship isn't the fact that it's human animal, which has been done plenty of times in the past with western animation, it's the fact that the relationship has no build up and wasn't very developed. I wonder if this has to do with the rushed development of the game as everything in the game suffers from the rushed development including it's story that felt half baked. Although personally I'm more on the side of Sonic just having no relationship at all because there really isn't a point. The games are more about Sonic fighting against Eggman's attempts to either ruin the environment or do whatever
  • @comicfan1324
    Although I personally enjoy shipping and wouldnā€™t be against seeing sonic in a romantic relationship, I feel like itā€™s probably in Segaā€˜s best interest to try and stay neutral on that topic. Letā€™s say sonic, in the main game continuity, ended up in a canon relationship. Sure that would appease anyone who ships that specific pairing, but it could potentially alienate anyone who either preferred another pairing or feel sonic shouldnā€™t be in a relationship at all. I think the best we can expect is hints at attraction and nothing more. Besides, that just means the fans can imagine how those potential relationships could play out. I mean thatā€™s why fanfiction exist, right?
  • @7inchwah430
    Blaze and Sonic have the best dynamic for that sort of relationship, plus the dimensional divide would allow for Sega to keep their mandate