The Batman | BRUCE WAYNE

Published 2022-04-19
"Our scars can destroy us… even after the physical wounds have healed. But if we can survive them. They can give us the power. To Endure. And the strength to fight."

The Batman was one of the most hyped movies of the recent years. Matt Reeves knows what is he doing and we are in for a ride with this trilogy. In the meantime I hope you enjoy this video.
A tribute to Batman
*Music: Secession Studios - Reprise
*Music2 : The Batman Main Theme by Samuel Kim
*Music 3 : Atis Freivalds - Heartbeats
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All Comments (21)
  • @unfitcrit
    Man, this masterfully captures just how broken Bruce really is. Incredible edit.
  • @bk7064
    I'm sick of this false narrative that Pattinson didn't "play a good Bruce Wayne." These people don't know the character. Bruce Wayne at his core is a broken man beyond repair. In Batman begins Bruce mostly looking good. There are some but few moments of stress or anxiety displayed for much of the film. Meanwhile Pattinson looks so tired and mentally drained throughout the film since from the very beginning (which is much more accurate). This is what Pattinson plays so well. A Broken Bruce Wayne. A REAL Bruce Wayne.
  • @jesus74601
    Watched this last night on HBO I’ll admit Robert Pattinson amazed the hell out of me as the dark crusader, movie was hands down top tier
  • 4:48 "I could see the fear in your eyes" Playing that quote over scenes with the mayor's son who just lost his own father was chilling.
  • The moment he heard Riddler’s follower say “I’m vengeance”, Batman knew that he created Riddler as a result of his vengeance. His rage for what he lost. That’s when he realized that revenge cripples rather than protects. Vengeance doesnt heal wounds, it infects them. Now Batman sees that it’s time to be something else. To be Justice.
  • @themadtitan7603
    The most human a live-action Bruce Wayne/Batman ever felt to me. The only time I felt this character has gone through a personal, transformative arc on screen where he goes from a traumatized, scared, bitter boy who hides under a vengeful persona he uses to release his rage on the type that took away his parents to a hero who reinvents himself as a symbol of hope when he realizes his responsibility to be better than those who came before. This masterpiece of a tribute perfectly encapsulated all my emotions watching Bruce's arc unfold.
  • @nicholas8115
    I thought the ending monologue was beautifully placed. During Bruce's beginning monologue he talks about how he is the embodiment of the dark and it strikes fear in the criminals. But during his ending monologue he states "I have had an effect here, but not the one I intended", while he is literally the light guiding the citizens through the dark and wet rubble to safety. Really shows the transformation from vigilante to hero over the course of the movie.
  • " Our scars can destroy us even after the physical wounds have healed " making this my everyday quote now
  • Movies like The Dark Knight, The Batman or Logan show that the comics genre is not only commercial entertainment and if you put your mind to it you can create masterpieces with a more artistic tone.
  • @magiccookies420
    “Or are you just hideously scarred” “Yeah.” Never caught that before. Fucking superb writing.
  • @Aras483
    This movie perfectly represents what it feels to grow up with deep sadness & depression due to loss and grief, struggles of finding your place in this world and trying to fill your father's shoes. All you want is to honor them, be like them, trying to figure out how did they do it, to become the person that you know as your parent. Trying to learn what kind of person they were from people around you while trying to protect their memories as you know, because you feel this strong desire of protect ing the idea of them, because that is the only thing you've left of them, memories and the teachings they have given you while you were young. You are not afraid to die but you feel like losing your temper whenever you think there is a chance of losing people you care about, consequently you try to distance yourself from everyone around you, people,friends, possible relationships or perhaps even family or whatever that is left of it. You are afraid to connect because you do not want to lose again, you do not want to feel everything in this life has been taken away from you, that you are alone to your bones. You have taken over a mission to honor your parents and created a mask that could not be harmed or stopped with any force, a safe space where you can never get hurt, a character that will never surrender whatever happens, and that is your revenge against life, the very circumstances what have caused you to be scarred and alone caused you to follow a never ending path of vengeance, against life, against your loss. That is the only way you know how to force a meaning to this life filled with pain and loss, taking up responsibility and following a path you know will never end. You still do anyways because that is how you make your pain and loss mean something in the end, helping to those around you who are in pain and need of help, like you needed once but never found. You finally realize that you can not change your past, that deep sadness you carry with you, but you can still make a difference in this life and honoring your lost loved ones in the process. That is true vengeance, against life, against your loss and it stems from most humane emotion after all, hope. Something as equally powerful as your pain and it will be what you hold on to in your darkest hours, enabling us to endure this life and give us the strength to fight.
  • @thanos_6.0
    This is what people call a masterpiece.
  • @maniespi4245
    This film is truly emotional. I honestly can’t get over how emotional it is. Seeing how Bruce shut his heart down a long time ago and replaced any fear he had with anger and rage and then when it all comes back to him with almost losing Alfred, almost losing Selina it all hits him so hard. I think he realizes that the point is you can’t ever get rid of fear. It’s always going to be there one way or another. The pain however, you can decide wether or not the pain of whatever happens turns you into a monster or helps you grow into something more. Letting the pain teach you and show you that you can and will get through it all no matter how painful it might be. Even better, show that to others who were and are probably still in the darkness of fear. People who live in the fear that things won’t get better. That’s why I love that ending so much. Because it’s that realization that he needs to break the locks on his heart and let himself feel, let himself feel that pain to grow.
  • @nevon9856
    For me this Batman is the best of all time in every way. His cold blood actions and tone is perfect for a comic accurate Batman. Also in the end when he realize vengeance is making a bad impact on people he understands he has to be something else, this character development was amazing. All in all this is a fine piece of art in our Batman collection.
  • @lucascurcio521
    “Fear is a tool……..and when this video hits the sky…….it’s not just an epic…..its a masterpiece.”
  • @isaacbslater
    This movie did not disappoint, one of the best movies I have ever seen
  • @thecomic3722
    Vengeance has arrived! This movie was the best Batman movie of all for me as it has a higher focus on the Batman for who he is, the person he wants to be. Another amazing tribute dude!
  • @Kaisaccountt
    Pattinson is the best Batman. He captures everything about Batman with the most important trait being his no kill rule.