The World Health Organization: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2020-10-18
John Oliver discusses the crucial role of the World Health Organization, why Donald Trump is skeptical of it, and how his plans to withdraw the United States could have dire consequences.

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All Comments (21)
  • @sadabetas
    “Underfunding a public school and expecting a bake sale to make up the difference” Yikes that one got me in the rural America.
  • @deboozombie23
    Poor John Oliver, for a while now, at the end of each episode he looks and sounds quite exhausted, thank you Lastweektonight team.
  • @owenw.1643
    "this whole mess is almost entirely america's fault. back in the 1980's the reagan administration-" yeah that sounds about right
  • @derphunk5338
    “America leaves WHO” sounds like a news broadcast form Plague Inc.
  • @Sunshine-su7jj
    Glad that John is highlighting that Melania is not ‘innocent’ and actually is complicit.
  • @storybyphilYT
    If this year doesn’t end soon, John will just punch the camera.
  • @yothisgamesucks
    Love watching “it might sound tedious, but it is really important “ with John Oliver
  • John: “There’s no provision for a member to leave...” Me: Oh good. John: “With one exception, that being the United States.” Me: OH FOR FU-
  • @staomruel
    Can we appreciate getting these segments in full, uninterrupted by ads?
  • @bravenewfilms
    The US Military uses up $2 Billion a day- its total budget, $740 Billion.
  • @rochester212
    America be like: "We don't like this situation, it's horrible and unfair". 5 minutes later: "What, we created the problem in the first place? LOL let's get out of here before s**t really hits the fan".
  • @angrach6569
    By the way, how on earth can one man, whatever his position may be, decide that the entire nation leaves an international program? I think the US needs to thoroughly evaluate the power of its executive branch. I mean, doesn't the congress have to agree to a decision of this magnitude?
  • @Daniels656993
    God I love this guy. He explains complex issues with humor and intellect and you come out of it understanding so much more.
  • @hassi44
    I'm continually surprised by how often I can get reliable information from an owl in a suit.
  • @MsGrapeNehi
    I miss the days when John was happy and made jokes and broadcast his thirst for Adam Driver.
  • @theJMBgamer
    This sounds like "Why should my taxes go to paying the firefighters to put how fires in my neighbors' houses? I'll just pay my own personal firefighters to only put out fires in my house."
  • @joemannchen
    Fun fact about literal pipe organs and China: “After 1949, virtually all the pipe organs in China were destroyed, many during the Cultural Revolution. And for 40 years no pipe organs were installed on the Mainland. The first pipe organ installed after the Communist victory in 1949 was the 1989 III/60 Rieger-Kloss in the Beijing Concert Hall.” Vox Humana, 11/1/20
  • @yvaincallipso84
    My friends and family at my funeral: Heaven has gained another angel! T_T Me marching into hell: WHERE THE HELL IS RONALD REAGAN!!!!!!! ((Quoting a meme here))