Vaping Demystified

Through research and interviews with experts, we explore the truth about vaping and whether misconceptions are preventing us from reducing the largest preventable cause of cancer in Yorkshire. Find out more at

コメント (21)
  • @codyj8763
    I started smoking at14, gave vaping a try when i was 24. Vaped for almost 2 years, worked my way down to 3mg nicotine. One day my vape broke, so i just quit. Almost 5 years nicotine free! Being able to breathe again without pain in my lungs is everything.
  • 10 year smoker pack a day, just bought a vape and I have been smoke free for 12 days Thank you to the inventor of vapes
  • NHS Yorkshire Smokefree helped me give up smoking with vouchers for a vape starter kit, liquids and spare coils. I’m a month smoke free now and I’ve just upgraded my vape to a fancier one that maximises flavour. I’m needing to use my inhaler less and I’m sleeping better, not waking up coughing or gasping for breath. I couldn’t be more grateful for the help and support I’ve received from Yorkshire Smokefree!
  • @BekiLouis
    Nice video I must say. Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
  • I'm so tired of hearing "we don't know the long-term effects of vaping." We know the long-term effects of smoking, but we can still buy cigarettes with no resistance. So if by some minuscule chance it turns out that the long-term effects of vaping are just as bad or even worse than smoking, I fully expect to see it on all the store shelves, right next to the cigarettes.
  • @iMykie
    I'm 30 years old, I've smoked cigarettes half my life, I had to stop, I used a vape at 30mg of nicotine and went down by 2mg every time I had to refill until I went to 0mg of nicotine and then I stopped vaping completely and successfully quit smoking cigarettes with zero withdrawals of them. whatever self-damage I've saved myself from (or making worse) from quitting smoking, I have vaping to thank. (This whole quitting process took a year and a half with zero cigarettes)
  • @aaani79
    This video should be broadcasted on every major tv channel
  • This popped up in my feed 2022. I am officially 22 days smoke-free today after smoking for over 20 years. All it took was my niece whom I love and admire asking if she could smoke like me when she grows up. The guilt physically hurt my I quit...for her, for my love 🙌🤜🤛💖💫🎉
  • I smoked for 40 years. I was up to two packages a day for the last 20 years that I smoked. I discovered vaping in 2008, and began to reduce my cigarette intake. By 2010 I had given up cigarettes completely. Within two weeks of giving up cigarettes, I stopped coughing for 20 minutes every morning and I could walk up two flights of stairs without being winded. I still vape and I'm still alive and I still don't wake up coughing in the morning. I truly believe I would not be alive today if I had continued to smoke cigarettes. The man who invented this product is truly my hero.
  • @robderiche
    if you don’t already smoke, don’t start vaping.
  • 12 years on cigs, now 7 years on vapes and I can breath normally, no more smoke stank in my car/house/clothes or have yellow fingers. I am forever grateful to the vaping industry and those who support us. 💙💙
  • This is the best video of 2021. Thank you! vaping is going to change the world
  • @KlinkoMi
    Was smoker for 22 years,now vaping for 4 years....I feel much better and mine overall health greatly improved.
  • Of all the mistakes ive made in my 45 years, starting smoking was absolutely the worst one (thanks joe camel)! Vaping is an excellent quit tool. Too bad there is so much bad information.
  • I could remember several years ago heroin addiction nearly destroyed my life, I suffered from severe depression, illicit pills, and mental disorder until I was recommended to psilocybin mushroom treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly I'm 8 years clean now. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @grfxman09
    I smoked for 25 years, this video brought me to tears. Vaping was my door, is my door. My father died from heart issues related to his life of smoking. My sister and I both quit in our 40's. Within the first six months I went from 12mg to 3mg of nicotine. I have never felt better, slept better, tasted food and life better than I do today. Thank you for making this - I will share it everywhere I can.
  • @pbusardo
    Very well done. Thank you for this. It's a gift to those who have doubts about or are negative towards vaping. It's a gift to the industry.
  • @stay_fr0sty
    I was a heavy cigarette smoker for 2 years. Occasionally, I had breathing problem and I switched to vaping for 2 months to gradually quit smoking. In these last 2 months I feel that I can breathe so much better without any pain in my lungs.
  • I am 63 now, but began smoking around 13 years old so I smoked nearly 50 years at a heavy clip. Finally this past winter while having a heart catherization procedure the insertion point ruptured in artery in my hip and I started to bleed out internally into my abdomen. 10 units of whole blood later, a LOT of pain and 20 staples to hold the surgery together I'm alive.. I started vaping a few months ago after completely quitting smoking for a bit. Every now and then I will light up a cigarette, but not often. Temptation after nearly 50 years is REALLY tough..The amount of nicotine it delivers is now overwhelming in comparison to vaping. Now I expect to live quite a bit longer than just a few months ago.. Others can stick their morals up their asses. I'm trying to stay alive.