Israel reports intercepting a missile fired by the Houthis | DW News

Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen say they fired multiple missiles at Israel's resort city of Eilat. The Israeli military said it shot down a missile before it crossed into Israeli territory. One Israeli and six Yemenis have been killed in the latest burst of violence that has sparked fears of further escalation.


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#Yemen #Israel #Houthis

コメント (21)
  • @alcab4855
    Why are people doing humanitarian for Yemen when they’re firing on cargo ships?
  • If the houthis send a huge response the Israel will send "a huge huge huge response too."
  • @urii11
    Режиссёры с Газы приехали видео снимать 😂😂
  • It’s proportional: the more you fool around, the more you find out.
  • Why can't Houthi focus on their Crisis. They are in no position to screw around, their people are dying of hunger but they have to enter a war that has nothing to do with them.
  • @tieuphong1664
    Imagine Israel sending all these cheap drones to Yemen.
  • Gazans celebrated for a few hours then found out. Yemen taking the same path is lack of wisdom
  • @davidtodd3401
    Another Iranian proxy crying foul when people fight back.
  • They flew a 1000 dollar drone into Isreal and ended up losing 2-3 billion dollars worth port and oil reserve ? That doesn't sounds like a win to me.
  • @Michael-uy1tz
    Why does the Houthi spokesman look like he is in a Trance
  • You can stop the Houthis by stopping Iran. Iran is the target. Don’t get distracted. The West has to stop the Houthis. That’s their problem at this point because The West has “tolerated” the Houthis as an annoyance instead of addressing the problem