Expo vs React Native

Publicado 2020-12-09

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @nkemcels
    I've never used expo for any of my react native projects and thanks to this discussion, I even have more reasons not to do so 😅.
  • I totally relate to this. Ejecting an expo app can be hell 😅. Love these discussions, William. Keep them coming!
  • @IFone456
    i used expo when i was learning react native, then never again, but it's actually super cool, I should try it again
  • @TZCoder
    Systems like Visual Studio App Center allow automatic building and distribution of RN CLI Apps and native Apps, it can build and distribute on every push, not as seamless as Expo but largely solves the issue you have brought up.
  • @thisweekinreact
    Not really agreeing that Expo is more complicated than plain RN for advanced, non MVP apps. I don't build top10 appstore apps but I don't see any reason to not start most apps using Expo in 2020: - OTA and quality modules are pre-installed for you in a good way - Ejecting is not more complicated than raw RN - You can still run in Expo client after ejecting by stubbing the extra native libs you need - OTA still works after ejecting - It's easier to upgrade an Expo ejected app: upgrade the Expo SDK, delete platform code, re-eject, compare with git diff: much easier than going through changelogs - Web support - Deploy previews / QRCode - ... I'd rather do the opposite and ask what exactly are the advantages to go first with a naked RN app rather than a Bare expo app. In both cases, you can install/remove native code. I also have migrated an app from RN to Expo. By chance, the equivalent APIs existed in Expo so it became a managed Expo app, but I could have made it a bare Expo app, would still have interesting benefits (OTA, QRCode, app deploy previews on PRs, keep ability to run in Expo client)
  • @alexkey9372
    2:20 agree completely. you'd have a hard time integrating native modules with expo if they're needed.
  • @stancobridge
    Hello William, this is a nice topic, but if you can be showing some code previews, screenshorts, notes from articles online and examples it will make the contents of the video great
  • @Askbowe
    this was a great talk... i enjoyed it
  • @burhan3759
    Expo have many cool library that can be used with Bare RN.. I still use bare RN bcus of some constrain from Expo.. did not use expo for few years now.. maybe i should try expo again
  • @kemy0x0
    Yeah, it was quite difficult before. Now, bare workflow is awesome. But when there was Expokit, it was extra platform I had to learn. I couldn't fix bug without patching to Expokit.
  • really depends what your app is supposed to do, if expo fits the bill why not, you will likely always hit a wall with expo eventually
  • @FlushNorris
    Would prefer native react native over Expo any day of the week, more control and its just clean... Hopefully William will skip using Expo in his demos in the near future ;)
  • @MrChickenpoulet
    I'm really new to this ecosystem, and really lost too about expo vs not expo. In the industry, is expo not used as a lot of people seems to say that expo is ""only"" for prototyping ?
  • @vinothv1720
    Hi. I use expo as I've only the low end pc configuration... While building a standalone app from expo, the size is much much bigger... Please, please, 🙏🏻 I need a video on reducing size of expo app without using Android studio or virtual device.... I can't switch to react native cli... Please, a video on it.
  • @thespacejedi
    Damn I remember watching this when it first came out 😂 expo is the way now
  • @dibayuin7859
    for profesional project I prefer to use react native CLI