Deliriant Replication Compilation (4k)

Published 2023-01-19
Seriously though. Avoid this sort of experience at all costs. This replication compilation exists so you DON'T need to try this.

This video could not have been made without the help of this communities talented replicators and artists. Please go subscribe to everyone's YouTube channels.

(background music)

-- FEETMAN100 --
(the world's best deliriant replicator)
YouTube: ‪@feetman100‬

Rest in Peace bro.
YouTube: ‪@StasConstantineArchives‬

Made that one hatman replication.
YouTube: ‪@AsrielKekker‬

Helped with video editing.
YouTube: ‪@hypnagogist-art‬

Subjective Effect Index:
Discord server:


#DPH #deliriant #datura

All Comments (21)
  • @josikinz
    If you like what I do and/or want to join my private discord server. Then please consider supporting me on patreon: - Thanks! :) ATTRIBUTION: -- HUMAN CENTERPIECE -- (background music) Soundcloud: -- FEETMAN100 -- (the world's best deliriant replicator) YouTube: @feetman1009 Reddit: -- STASCONSTANTINE -- Rest in Peace bro. YouTube: @StasConstantineArchives Reddit: SoundCloud: -- ASRIELKEKKER -- Made that one hatman replication. YouTube: @AsrielKekker Soundcloud: -- HYPNAGOGIST -- Helped with video editing. YouTube: @hypnagogist4765 Twitter: Website: -- PROJECT LINKS -- Subjective Effect Index: Subreddit: Discord server: -- JOSIE LINKS -- LinkTree: Twitter: Patreon: PayPal:
  • @narc78
    This must be pure terror. Never forget that unlike with psychedelics, you will be thinking those hallucinations are real.
  • @Over_Toasted
    Remember, you aren't just seeing things. There is an unsettling mental space and very uncomfortable bodily sensations. These replications can only somewhat grasp the visual-audio hallucinations, but there is much more to it. Avoid it.
  • These artists are so fucking talented and I'd love to see like long-form horror media made by them.
  • @amonhmcoda
    When the hatman becomes visible, you’ve gone too far
  • @josikinz
    Hey everyone, I just wanted to give an update on the status of this channel. I've had this video ready to go for months and wasn't originally planning to upload it until after our next big video essay project (DMT broken down and described). Unfortunately, however, that project has very much been repeatedly delayed due to my life being unexpectedly hectic over the past few months. Between international travel for the holidays, my actual job as a psychedelic researcher working in biotech being extremely busy, and issues in my personal life... I've had to prioritise other things. The good news is though that things have very much calmed down for me. The script is fully written and ready to go. I just need to record it and start video editing. It's going to be the longest video essay I've put out on this channel so far and I think it's going to be really amazing. After that, my intention is to focus on shorter-format content which will be uploaded on a much more regular schedule. Thanks for the support, everyone. The success of this channel over the past several months has really meant a lot to me. <3
  • Deliriants are harder to represent visually than psychedelics, because on psychedelics, the "judgement machine" stays mostly intact, up until very high doses, while deliriants eradicate that part of the self pretty quickly, and one is left confused and with scrambled thoughts. And that is not so visual, but mental. Hard to show in a video. This is somewhat close to the visual part of it.
  • @CandiTheWildPig
    Okay I know this is supposed to be scary and all, but the spinning box of Benadryl at 4:39 cracked me the fuck up.
  • The worst wasn’t the spiders or random clear object jumping at me, it was how frustrating how bad the short term memory was. I’d start typing a sentence and forget mid way what I was even talking about. I’d walk in circles trying to figure out what was just about to do
  • @hitnammlg
    Watching this at 3:30 in the morning was a fantastic idea.
  • It was all spooky and scary until the dancing skeleton with the taco and Mario screaming lmaooo
  • This helps me understand my beautiful, kind sister's schizophrenia. We love her deeply and are grateful everyday that she is alive. She has been given a very hard life. It's cruel, sad and painful.
  • @AJX-2
    wild that there's a drug that just straight-up sends you to the nightmare dimension
  • @majav15mg
    Isn't it insane and incomprehensible that these experiences are... real? At least in the sense that they can be experienced.
  • @Peugot905
    This reminds very vividly of having hallucinations while under sleep paralysis. The random voices chattering the most incoherent things you could possibly imagine , while moving shadows that seem to twitch and glitch around. Some shadows resemble the figures of people, others are formless and look blob like and may even float and not do anything extravagant in its behavior. Even down to the lighting. So for me personally, when my hallucinations are particularly intense it’s like I can “see” in the darkness. My whole room was almost pitch black with a sober/fully conscious naked eye but while I was still experiencing paralysis everything had a weird dirty tan hue or tint to my vision. Almost like night vision but in a weird earthy color. I would imagine delirium to be a much more intense experience, because even though I was hallucinating I immediately knew EXACTLY what was real and what was just a trick of the mind. I never panic hearing or seeing things while under paralysis because it’s obvious it’s just my imagination running wild w/o my brain keeping it in check. Thus true delirium would destroy that ability to tell what it real and what isn’t. Thus making the experience probably pretty terrifying as you experience the most rapid, and aggressive form of decay in your perception of reality. So much so that its overwhelming and almost indescribable to recall in full detail.
  • Psychedelics can be the most abjectly terrifying experience of your life, but I'd rather go through 100 terror trips of LSD, Shrooms, whatever, than have to go through 1 high dose deliriant trip. I say that as someone with PTSD and derealisation from LSD
  • ' Your mind is beginning to become self-aware of the true world around you... Aren't you glad you're experiencing this? ' - Chrome
  • Since deliriants put you into a state of delirium as well as a deteriorating sense of self... I always worry this is what Alzheimer's might feel like to the subject. A constant state of delirium, a deteriorating consciousness, and never knowing what you're looking at.
  • This is pretty damn close to what really happens. Like when your seeing this first hand, it looks real and you feel tired and drowsy so you have to do a double take on things that litterly just walk in your sights. Or be laying down listening to rain the TV and it starts morphing into what sounds like people giggling or laughing intently or it shifts to a conversation that you can barely hear, like you can hear them talking but can't make out what theyer saying, when you turn around there like static just enclosing around your vision and it goes dark. I personally have taken diphenhydramine for allergies when I was younger and I recently started a new job and I've taken them to help with sleep, I would take just 12-10 a night and this shit would happen and scare the shit out me, and I'm not easily frightened. Actually I just came down from a trip that lasted 2 whole days. It had up and downs, I would feel sober and then all of a sudden I would hear voices in my head and be thrown right back, I was also at work while that was happening. Thankfully before it got too bad I finished work and booked it home jumped in my window and sat down, breathed through it and here I am now just watched this video describing close to what I went through