2015 Maps of Meaning Lecture 02b: Object and Meaning (Part 2)

Published 2015-01-14
University of Toronto PSY434
Course Information: jordanbpeterson.com/Psy434H/
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January 14, 2015


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-- BOOKS --

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life/
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning/

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All Comments (21)
  • @BritneyGrills
    I'll forever look back on the moment I discovered Jordan Peterson as the moment that completely changed my life. Thank you doctor!!
  • @mhbackman
    "Why are you wearing jeans? — So other primates don't think you're insane."
  • @gekkoberry371
    Lmao the "cleanse by fire" idea is so deeply rooted in me after years of depression and hatred towards mankind. I've recently decided to work through it and try to change my mind. You're helping a lot.
  • @OhWaker
    25:07 "You should be nose-deep in that stuff nonstop. But you're not. Why? What's wrong with you people?" laughs rubs nose
  • @Iyad46gamer
    30:00 In my country (North Africa), we've been attending lectures under a fragile roof for years knowing that one day it'll collapse and it did collapse on a rainy day. No one got hurt fortunately.
  • I am convinced that Jung died on the 6th of June 1961 and a year and six days later - on the 12th of June 1962 he was reborn as JBP cause the world just needed that wisdom and wouldn't go on right without it.
  • @LetsFindOut1
    12:54 " Jung said... one of the purposes of religious structures is to keep people from having religious experiences..."
  • @cabbage9926
    I've seen a 1600s Anatomy Theatre in Italy. It was a stunningly beautiful room of wood and marble. The theatres resemble the ancient amphitheatres that you'd find in the countryside. It's neat if you consider that they contained their disgust using theatrical escapism as a form of detachment.
  • @AdurianJ
    I have a better Soviet ceiling anecdote for you. Nikita Khrushchev famously complained about the immense size and weight of chandeliers. It turned out that workers at a Moscow lamp factory were awarded bonuses for production measured in tons. The chandeliers they produced grew ever heavier until they led to a rash of ceiling collapses.
  • Nahahahaha!!... 32:20 "none of you are stark naked and most of you aren't foaming at the mouth"... Jesus. Thanks for that one.
  • @visicircle
    "Why are you all wearing jeans? So other primates don't think you're insane." -JBP, 2015
  • I glad you love and are now more than ever enjoyed your time in the leach ture. So it's ok now.
  • The piece on disgust was particularly excellent in my opinion. Regarding disgust and totalitarian thinking, one thing interested me that wasn't mentioned: There's a paradox in which easily disgusted people tend to eroticize extremely disgusting things. An example would be a criminal priest. On the one hand he's high in the dominance hierarchy of a purity religion, including a mandatory initiation of water immersion for cleansing and a purer water birth. So extreme is it, that it's believed that a single sin corrupts and invalidate the entire being, and this cleansing is needed. Everybody's familiar with it, but consider how often terms like "carnal" and "flesh" are used in a derogatory way. Purity and perfection are constant. To stay pure of this extreme view of disgust, the priest is celibate for life, and virginity is idolized in "The Virgin Mary" (note it's not "Mary the Virgin", emphasis their own). Yet these men regularly molest little children, paradoxically corrupting innocence, so much so it's an epidemic in the Church.  It makes sense though. From the priest's perspective, these kids are soon to grow up and "lose their innocence" to many impure thoughts and actions. The priest is (from theirs and the community's perspective) a pillar of this sort of purity. In effect, the perfect individual to initiate the most innocent children "purely" into the corruption of adulthood, rather than letting "the world" inevitably do it. They may even privately experience delusions of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, "I did this for you." From the priest's perspective, being the holy initiation to puberty and masturbation and sexual development must be how the molestations are convoluted into a pure act. This may also be why they target little boys particularly. To this end, this sort of mentality seems to go berserk when the highly disgusted individual converges with arrogance and declares themselves pure after a long history of related ritual (Hitler's bathing many times a day, veganism, etc.). At that juncture, as with Hitler, they anoint themselves to begin "cleansing" process, which is when they make contact with their sense of disgust and perpetrate the paradoxically disgusting behavior, thus viewing themselves as a sort of release valve, filter, or conduit to a broader purity. This may be the destiny of very disgusted people and the latter end of their rituals once they feel they're sufficiently cleansed to begin scouring their projections.