Evil Bloody Well Exists - Prof. Jordan Peterson

Not a single cheerful moment within the next six minutes. Guaranteed.

This is only an excerpt (with some additions) of professor Jordan Peterson’s comprehensive psychology lecture “2017 Personality 04/05: Heroic and Shamanic Initiations” held at the University of Toronto. You can watch it entirely here:    • 2017 Personality 04/05: Heroic and Sh...  

Do you sometimes feel you should be able to do more good for your family and your community? Dr. Peterson also developed an online program that helps you to analyze your past, to get your present life in order and to identify a more rewarding path for your future: “Self Authoring” goo.gl/5rHcWh
It’s not free, but it has been proven to work in studies performed with university students.

Psyche Matters is an official affiliate of the program, so if you follow the link through, you will not only support Jordan Peterson and his endeavors but also this channel in a small way - and most importantly yourself. Thank you.

You may also be interested to know that Jordan B. Peterson's book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is finally available. You can find it here:
amzn.to/2ipaBnQ (US)
amzn.to/2kpdXv9 (UK)
amzn.to/2jTRq67 (CA)

Don't miss out on his best selling first book “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” which much of his lecture material is based on:
amzn.to/2rhChiA (US)
amzn.to/2riBZYR (UK)
amzn.to/2HRMyZI (CA)

The above are Amazon affiliate links.

Please visit www.psyche-matters.net/ for categorized clips and more Jordan B. Peterson related content!

コメント (21)
  • If you like this video and Dr. Peterson's lecture style you may be interested to know that his new book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” will be out soon. You can find it here: amzn.to/2ipaBnQ (US) / amzn.to/2kpdXv9 (UK) / amzn.to/2jTRq67 (CA) Or just get the audiobook read by the man himself for FREE via the Audible Trial program! :) amzn.to/2D9maL2 The above are Amazon affiliate links.
  • “Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things.” ― Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight
  • "If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" Aleksandr Szolzhenitzen, "The Gulag Archipelago" This is what Professor Peterson is saying.
  • Got sober and found Peterson at 2yrs sober. He was the father figure I needed. Telling me things about my nature in such an articulate way has really helped me grow.
  • I've met people (mostly men) who have sold their daughters into the sex trade. Not because they were poor, but because they didn't want to work. I kept hearing a saying that was repeated in Thailand amongst the men. "If you have a daughter, you will never have to work again." I've met a 10-year old that stabbed his 7-year-old brother to death. I've been inside a Cambodian death camp (that still has blood stains on the walls and floor) as well as the killing fields. I work eveyday with boys who either have been raped or are rapists themselves. People who that say evil doesn't exist are usually sheltered academics. That have not only never seen an evil act, but have never met an evil person. Only safe philosophies think otherwise.
  • This reminds me of the time I burned my bacon. To lose something so wonderful, so precious due to negligence... I had to face right then and there that I am capable of horrible things.
  • "You have to talk to people you disagree with" Well, that is how I started watching JP videos and he helped me alot.
  • It is easy being good when you have everything you need....I never trust people who are not under duress....to test the morality of a person it must be put under pressure to see if it cracks....So many say they would never steal or kill, but under duress most would kill without hesitation. Being moral when we live in luxury is easy.
  • @Mahaveez
    There's not a chance in hell you'd catch me fiddling with a computer while at a Peterson lecture.
  • These students are so lucky to have a professor like him
  • This was me during primary school, I was so oppressed not only by the students in class but the teacher also that I was afraid when I had to speak up because they would critique every single one of my actions. I sometimes went to church and I prayed to god that one of the bullies would die a horrible death when I was 8-11 years old. None of the teachers intervened because I lived in a small community and there would be to much trouble removing some of them from class. If you have children and they have trouble with speaking up for themselves, please teach them to speak up for themselves and be more masculine otherwise their suffering might be unbearable and the later life consequences so big that they start to wonder if their existence is a worthy thing. Though this probably happened to me due to being raised by a single mom. At least I'm doing well academically but I barely have any friends and my only outside activity is going to the gym. Before you leave your wife/girlfriend, think of the goddamn children.
  • At first when I watched JP's videos I thought of him as negative and aggressive, but now I see he cares so much about people and wants to protect them.. and probably is sick of seeing good people go under so he needs to be stern in his message. This particular video speaks to me so much. I've been so stupid and I shouldn't have let the resentment build up, because it did burst just like he said. Jordan, God bless you for caring so much. :)
  • @Slarti
    When I was studying computer science at university in 1988 a few of the lecturers would stop people coming into the lecture theatre once the lecture had started. It taught us how to be punctual in the jobs we would get after graduating.
  • 2:21 one of the worst traits of society today imo is that they believe that absolutely everything is almost 100% perpetrator and victim.
  • @Umtree
    I have become weak, I had given up 10 years ago. Drowning in resentment, self pity and hate. Growing old, tired and unhealthy. I just came back from a 30 minute walk. Listening to music from my youth, walking in the sun. Sure was better than sitting inside fighting with myself in my mind. I have a long way to go. I want to walk again before I die of a heart attack.
  • "To demonstrate evil, I've brought the Necronomicon to class and we'll summon Cthulhu together."