evil zio puppet alex jones dances with 5 israeli jews

Complete and total mockery. Zio puppet Jones knows the truth and will never expose Israel's involvement in 9/11, and the 5 dancing israeli spies.

thanx to TruthMediaRevolution for this great info please sub to his channel


コメント (6)
  • Ive been awake for well over 3 decades , and knew about mr.jones when he first came out in the late 90's...alex jones has always been a gate-keeper
  • Alex Jones inadvertantly awaked many people to the real problem unfortunatley not enough. Nice vid.
  • Remember the Liberty🤔🕵🏻‍♂️🧐😣 😲😢⚓🇺🇲 🛩️💥⛴️☄️✈️🇮🇱🤥.... ..... 🤨😡😠.....
  • Actually I wish to give an alternate take on this in observing Jones behavior and body language. Notice how Jones makes faces and mocks them as he is dancing making faces and twiddling this thumbs around. This shows he has no real knowledge of Orthodox Jews and their dancing, their joy, what the dance means and it's context. I am Orthodox Jewish. If he was part of some Zio conspiracy, etc, he would know much, much more about Jewish customs. He is actually mocking them and you can see he wants nothing more than to get away from them. Also, look as they leave one another and Jones turns to leave. Watch his face and expression. Watch his face go instantly from phony smiles and laughter to this look of disdain and contempt. Do you see? This poster is 100% correct. Jones is a gatekeeper, but he it is not for who you think. All roads lead to Rome as they say. You are smart people. Figure it out.