Reset Weekend ☀️ Life Admin, To Do Lists, Sunday Refresh

Published 2022-08-17
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I spanned this over three!! days FYI, I felt like I was moving slowly and you guys would want a lil more so I kept things going - plus I also just was really behind on life admin xoxo ily

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You always know you best. Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Some of what I share will not be appropriate for your situ

All Comments (21)
  • Please muchelle longer life admin day vids .. it’s such an inspiration I dig these ❤️
  • @metallicmuse
    "Pumped as heck!" is officially my new favorite phrase. 😆
  • You seem so energetic and in such a good mood this video! I love that for you ❤️
  • LOVE your life admins. 🥰 I’ve been trying to be more productive lately after having hit a big slump. But still committing to a goal of taking time to have breaks and rest. 💪 Your videos are so helpful. ❤️✨
  • Thank you for your video. Your encouragement got me up and cleared off the lounge room floor and now have the vacuum cleaner running! Enjoying your Chanel.
  • @xonekogairuox
    Hi Michelle, I’ve been backpacking Europe solo for five weeks and feeling homesick - your video came at the perfect time to bring me comfort of home :)
  • @misse7095
    Love this!! Questions…does a life admin day typically take an entire day or do you block off a few hours then reward yourself after? Also, how do you split up chores between you and your partner? In our house, my partner cleans and I organize.
  • Recently I've been trying to tidy up more and go to the gym more but it is so hard to get off the couch. This week when I got off work I'd give myself 30 minutes to put on gym clothes and listen to music to pump myself up while tidying. After doing that my space would feel so much more clean and I was so much more motivated to go to the gym. It has been awesome!
  • I’m sorry, but you lovin’ yourself as you tick off all those little tasks is such a vibe 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🔥 That is exactly how a life admin day makes me feel. You can just sense the accomplishments mounting up. So very satisfying.
  • I need to do a life admin day! Thanks for all the inspiration 💗
  • I wish I could like this video every time it made me so ready to get stuff done, that I stopped the video, and did it 🌸 then came back to the video 😁 I repeated this multiple times. Thank you
  • @bhsprinkle
    I'm definitely overdue for my own life admin day. I really need to add one back into my life. I feel like it would be so helpful. Thanks for inspiring us with yours. Have a wonderful rest of this month.
  • My favorite kind of content! I have been following you for 6+ years Michelle and it never gets old 💜 thanks for all the inspiration!
  • I really like your life admin videos, thank you! In this one you are particularly pumped, fast and energised! Go you!!
  • @shamiramacoto
    I LOL’ed when you said you were pumped bc I talk to myself like that during life admin days 🤣🤣🤣
  • First time I've heard the phrase "life admin day," so far I've only heard of monthly or weekly resets. Very ingenius approach to do one unpleasant thing and transfer that momentum to do all of the unpleasant things at once. I feel like that would alleviate so much tension from the cycle of "Ew, I have to do this...Okay, I did it...But now there's another thing I don't look forward to, ew." This is the first video of yours I've watched and already you've brought me a new perspective! I am eager to watch your other videos.