Shimazaki got scared and ran away from Mob (Mob Psycho season 2 episode 11)


コメント (21)
  • Here’s the thing. At this moment, he is clearly seeing everyone’s power. And Mob’s power fluctuations with his emotions. So he saw his power when he got angry for a brief second (how it changed wasn’t shown to us). What he saw probably scarred him for life.
  • @shae7168
    "I think he might have learned his place and turned over a new leaf" Spoken from a place of experience.
  • @enjei8903
    Reigen: punches someone to death because he walked suspiciously Also Reigen: Dont worry it was self defense
  • Shimazaki: "Let's see who's stronger" Mob: "Settle down mortal"
  • @rqtie
    The most funniest part was reigen just walked like an assasin and punched him like a brawler
  • I get that it doesn’t really fit the theme of the show, but I REALLY wanted to see mob fight this guy
  • I like to imagine that shimazaki is as scared of reigen (or even more) as he is of mob. As far as he knows, reigen is on a different level even from mob since he is referred to as "master" by all of the espers he's fighting, including mob. I doubt he ever received the knowledge that reigen is just straight up a normal dude lmao
  • I love how casually he walks and proceed to punch him just like that lol.
  • 1:56 This moment has the threatening aura as Saitama's "Normal Punch". 😆
  • @xrcoh
    "when he's unsure if it's really self defense, he yells out "self defense" just in case" 😂😂😂😂😂
  • Shimazaki: Fighting type attacks should only do half damage to psychic types. Reigen: I’m a normal type.
  • Man it was so cool to see Reigen say “It’s Reigin’ Time” and Reiginned all over the place.
  • Shimazaki's teleportation in response to "you cant be serious" garnered the most biggest "nope" in existence 😂
  • reigen has King Syndrome, hes just a normal dude, but everyone thinks hes a badass
  • So, unless I'm mistaken we never see this man ever again. Mob traumatized him so bad that he not only blinked out of the city. Bro blinked out of the fucking franchise.
  • Pause at 1:35 and really let it sink in, the enormous difference between Mob and him. Mob's emotions hadnt even truly gotten stirred yet. This guy was so insanely powerful that he made Shigeo, Hanazawa, and several Scars fighting him all at once, look like flies. Less than that, even. It looked like they did a lot of damage but really they hardly scratched him. But compared to only very slightly triggered Mob, he himself is hardly even a fly. His level of power equates to hardly any of Mob's. Mob in that state could lose 50x that amount and would still have more power leftover, without even a slight change in his emotional state, than Shimazaki has to begin with.