'That's a good question': Douglas Murray stumps Piers Morgan on pro-Palestine rally

Author Douglas Murray has clashed with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan over the ongoing pro-Palestine marches and whether a majority of the participants support Hamas.

“You don’t honestly think they are all pro-Hamas these people?” Mr Morgan asked.

Mr Murray pointed out “anyone who chants ‘from the river to the sea’ is in fact”.

“They are not all doing that – I’ve watched the videos and there are some who are chanting and some who aren’t,” Piers Morgan responded.

“Here’s a challenge Piers," Douglas Murray said.

"If you had decided to go on some kind of march and in week one you discovered that you had the BNP (British National Party) on your side calling for the murder of all black people, would you not wonder whether or not you should go on week two and would you not drop out by about week three?”

コメント (21)
  • Would you have allowed Nazis to hold free speech rallies in London during ww2?
  • I listen to Douglas Murray and find him a very brilliant man and his facts on the matter is right on.cheers
  • @naomikoopmans
    The rules are very clear: you're not allowed to glorify terror in the streets of London", very well said Douglas Murray!
  • @God-dt7om
    Douglas Murray is one of the best kinds of our time.
  • @MattieShiloh
    Douglas Murray speaks for the vast majority of people in the West…thank you for speaking up Douglas 🙏
  • @RULE3O3
    I'm yet to see 1 Palestinian anti-Hamas rally on any continent
  • @Tannhsr
    It’s people like Douglas Murray that we need governing this country. Intelligent, logical, articulate, and unafraid to do and say what is needed. But little chance of that, unfortunately.
  • @rimadas1910
    It's such a comfort, just listening to him talk sense! Like wow! These days it's a wonder to find a rational person, who has such clarity!
  • @lally816
    We all should thank God for clear thinking, intelligent people like Douglas Murray
  • @J_Eusebio
    Douglas Murray needs a podcast, I could listen to him every day
  • @ctbrodie
    Douglas Murray is a voice of reason and quite honestly, I think he is a moral compass we should all heed.
  • @fatgeisha4685
    I absolutely love Douglas Murray, what a sharp and educated mind!
  • Wow, what a conversation ! 👍 Something like this is unthinkable in German media. If I wouldn't admire Douglas Murray already, I'd do so now. 🙏
  • Ladies and gentlemen, Douglas Murray, the world's best debater. God bless you, Douglas. Keep going, good Sir. 🙏
  • @B1TKZH47
    Piers is going woke. And Douglas brilliantly challenges him. Well done!
  • @ig6421
    "They aren't choosing terror because they are poor, they are poor because they are choosing terror!" This is what the world doesn't get.