Southport residents call into LBC with insight into 'critical police incident'

Armed police have detained a man after eight people - including children - are being treated for stab injuries following a "critical police incident" near Liverpool.

00:00 - Caller Abbie in Southport lives nearby to where incident took place. She tells Shelagh Fogarty about the 'shock' her neighbours are feeling.

02:52 - Caller Claire, also in Southport was in her garden, when heard lots of sirens going past - said to her husband 'something serious is going on here'.

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コメント (21)
  • As soon as they tell us not to speculate....means we already know. More of the usual. And out comes the mental health issues excuse.
  • Imagine not being able to protect your own children in your own country and if you mention anything about a certain cult you'd be getting arrested.
  • @simonh6371
    Army officer stabbed last week, cops attacked in airport, now this. Shouty mobs claiming they are victims. Where is this going?
  • @ianpeddle6818
    Britain 2024. This is life as usual now. Get used to it folks this is what our “leaders” have delivered for us.
  • @badninja1971
    BBC don’t allow comments. Tells you everything you need to know. 🤦‍♂️
  • Let's hope police didn't use their feet to detain the attacker LBC will demand the officers immediate suspension.
  • Are you going to take ANY responsibility for this LBC? YOU have covered for these criminals for far TOO long!
  • ''Is that near the high street? By a beach? Oh which stadium? Near a park?'' What next, Fogarty? 'What's your favourite colour?' Children were stabbed, stop dodging the issue or pass the mic to a grown-up.
  • One man has been arrested. The fact that his race hasn't been mentioned is the giveaway
  • I'm surprised LBC isn't reporting this as a peaceful protest
  • I hope this radio presenter reconsider her armchair response to the manchester police officer's actions when he had, 2 seconds earlier, been fighting for his life against two pakistani thugs (who are an embarrassment to their community). He could not be sure the individual was no longer a threat, indeed he was. Support the police then they are trying to protect t us.
  • @dwatercraft
    Why they attacking kids? There needs to be a rise up of British people against all this
  • Remember what we are told by the brain-dead politicians "don't jump to conclusions"
  • @alambyant
    Immigration has been a total disaster for England.
  • What will old touchy touchy face O'Brien say about this, will he blame brexit ?
  • @FirehorseG
    8 CHILDREN with stab wounds rushed to Alder Hey Children's hospital. Why isn't this being reported????
  • @merchiron
    I hope Shelagh that the police weren't too heavy handed because I know this would upset you
  • Let's hope that the stabber is OK and not being hurt too badly by our police force...