What is the "TIMING" of an OLLIE?


コメント (21)
  • I'm watching this with captions on cuz my kid is asleep on my arm and every time Ben ollies, the pop is captioned as "applause."
  • This may be the best ollie tutorial on Youtube... If you or someone you know is struggling with ollies, this is the vid to watch. No joke.
  • This is the TRUE secret to Ollies. Held me back for over a year. When you get it right it's almost effortless. Cheers Ben.
  • No offense to Braille skateboarding but their tutorial was step1: hit your tail . Step 2 drag you foot up. I would recommend this video to someone learning how to ollie
  • @PHeMoX
    By the way, to clarify the pop Ben does... he's jumping UP before popping using his ankle motion. It's how you get that millisecond of a difference between pop and jump, otherwise you get this 'stomping' the tail which results in the board coming up too quickly against the back foot, causing a fairly low ollie.
  • This must literally be the best ollie tutorial I've ever seen. Spot on: I wasted years of my life following common trick trip advice to 'stomp down on the tail' with all your weight, as if you're trying to dent the pavement, etc.
  • This is definetly the thing all the beginners do wrong i see it all the time. Great video!
  • I just had an epiphany about this a few weeks ago when I'm trying to teach my teenage kids to do an ollie as well. You jump off the board not jump off the contact with the ground. As you jump off you just flick your rear foot down more to make the tail pop! And then retract as fast as you can. One more important point I learned though is that beginner fixage on the feet sequence and forget to jump correctly. When you are standing still and jumping, you compress your body down like a spring and in order to jump high you must release that wind up in sequence before your feet left the ground. My kids have that problem they bent down but did not move their body up before messing with their feet try to pop it. So the correct sequence should be like this, -Bend your body down -Squat your knee -Then releasing your body up -Unsquat your knee -Jump off the board in springy action(with your toe) -As your lift off flick your rear foot down to make the board pop! -Retract rear foot up by bending knee -Then drag your front foot as much as you like Houston we have a lift off!!
  • The metaphor I've started using lately is, it's like dribbling a basketball. Using the snap of the ankle through the toe to bounce the tail off the ground.
  • No one, I mean no one explains mechanics of skateboard well like Ben does.(eg.His wheelbase series helped me a lot when choosing my deck and truck) Glad to see that kinda detailed explanation on skills. Thank you Ben!
  • @gaj5701
    As I described to a young kid recently, you don't jump the board, you jump & bring the board with you. Seemed to make sense & worked well for him. Then I put a piece of wood just in front of his rear truck & got him to ollie over that to simulate the forward motion needed for a rolling one which really helped him along 👍
  • You explained this SO much better than all of the tutorials I went through, it explains so much, thank you.
  • YES. FINALLY. Every tutorial I've seen is just "do this this and this" and not once mention WHEN to jump and HOW to with your back foot. I've been planting my back foot TOO hard and not jumping soon enough. I needed this.
  • Level 43 male here, first time skater, and this is the first Ollie video that has actually clicked fir me. Watched it once and was like, oh, that makes a lot more sense. Went out in the garage and nailed an Ollie easier than ever. It’s all about the toe push down/flick at the end of your jump that actually gets the board in the air!!! Thank you!
  • Recently got back into skating a few months ago and your vids have been a treasure trove of info. Big thanks.
  • Got back on the board after more than a decades absence but having to learn goofy as I've had a very complicated op done on my left leg and basically I don't have full use of it. Its coming back to me and your videos really help and inspire. I'm pushing 40 but I'm lucky to look ten years younger. Thank you for helping me sort my life out.
  • Honestly best and most simple skateboard coach there is. Literally answers questions you didn’t know you had