1:1 Common Mode Current Balun Explained

Published 2020-02-16
My simple explanation on how the common mode current choke works.

Let me know if it's useful or if I got anything wrong.

All Comments (16)
  • Excellent presentation. Finally, someone using basic rules about magnetic fields respective of current flow. Best I’ve seen for explaining balun theory.
  • @dean5263
    Nice demonstration, it gives me the knowledge and confidence to construct one myself.
  • @hubercats
    This is the best explanation of current baluns I’ve found to date. Thank you for making and sharing it. - Happy Holidays! - Jim
  • @ianboard3555
    I had better luck winding it this way than using the 'crossover' winding style shown in some other videos.
  • Dear Sir, I have build a magnetic loop antenna for 11 meter band. (tx ands rx) Do I need to ad 1:1 ballun between the magnetic loop and coax? And what would be the best core material for that band? Greethings from Belgium.
  • I liked video. Good explanation and choking demonstration, but IMHO is not quite correct. We don't disconnect the other coil from the line. And if whole cable tries to be unbalanced on one coil, the other coil generates equal potential and return to balance of applied potentials. Thanks!
  • @rcampici
    You need to understand common mode and differential mode the two are not the same... The explanation has several erroneous assumptions Common mode currents exist when the matching from unbalanced to balance take place, any mismatch here creates common mode currents Its wrong to call a 1:1 current BALUN a common mode choke, the example in the video is wound as a choke and thus works as a common mode choke, however there is not conversion for differential mode, the transformer should be wound with differential matching structure. Showing the response in the spectrum analyser is also not correct, the test is done with unbalanced in and unbalanced out, thus the result does not show a lot aside the ferrite bandwidth. I understand that many use this kind of setup in the belief that its a 1:1 current BALUN and this propagates the myth into the wild, however its not providing the proper match as required adding to losses, note that any common mode currents generated are detracted from power intended for radiation thus its a loss, make a proper matching transformer and then the common mode currents will be negligible.
  • thumbs down for the way you drew the windings on the core. it would have been nice to understand how the green and red wires were wound and connected.