Student dies after shooting inside Joppatowne High School

Student dies after shooting inside Joppatowne High School

コメント (21)
  • Remember when school fights were just bloody noses, and scuffed elbows?
  • Remember when "smoking in the boys room" was the worst thing that took place at school?
  • This breaks my heart. Not only for the victim"s family, but for all the other children who are traumatized from this .
  • @otishaag987
    Every child deserves a joyful childhood filled with happy memories. But we are becoming more, Numb and Dumb each day
  • @nateamstutz2
    Another incident at a school? This country needs help
  • @Isogotit
    What is going on with these students and bringing guns to school?
  • I see why a lot of parents are Home schooling.. This is ridiculous.
  • @thatGurl5890
    Hi, I'm one of those many new Freshman's that just arrived at Joppa Towne highschool on Tuesday. Today was our fourth and last day of the week as we were headed to our last periods. As for I me and my classmate who were apart of lunch C (The last lunch at my school) were heading to Health class when the shooter was in the boys bathroom with Warren Garrett. As me and my classmate passed by the bathroom we heard commotion going on in the bathroom but we thought nothing of it since most of the kids like to yell and roughhouse a lot. When we got closer to our classroom that's when we heard the gunshot coming from the boys bathroom and the other boys who were either seniors or sophomores running in different directions. Me and my classmate quickly rushed into our class and dropped our stuff on our desk whilst hiding in the corner with our teacher and other classmates. After a few minutes we heard a knock on the door and it was the shooter. We saw that he had on what appeared to be a black or gray oversized hoodie with the hood over his head and his face being unseen. We were all scared and tried our best to cover our sobs and cries. Once the shooter walked off to probably go knock and get unto other classrooms one of the boys in my class tried to break the window that was near us. But unfortunately it was bullet proof so the desk he used to try and break it broke instead. Our teacher Me. Burngot was our hero at the moment as he stopped the other boys from trying to slide on the floor towards the door to try and barricade it with desks, chairs, and etc. Our teacher called 911 while a few of ny classmates texted or called their parents letting them know what happened. As for I, I was tightly holding onto ny clsssmates hand while crying on the phone talking with my family (such as my godparents, mom, and god sister). Fast track a few more minutes ahead my godparents get to the school before the police trying to find me whilst my mother left her shoes in the middle of the run and ran barefoot towards my school crying her eyes out. While all that was happening we heard screaming of multiple different students who were scared for their lives in the hallway as we saw them run outside onto the baseball field through the window. A few more minutes pass and we hear one of the staff ladies announce it's safe to go outside as everyone in my class took their things and ran outside for their lives onto the baseball field with the other students from different grades. If you saw the video of students going through the woods that's the majority of where most of the kids were going to get to safety. After running through the woods we headed to the "Holy Spirit" church where our families/friends were waiting for us. It was a beautiful yet sad reunion with our loved ones as everyone tried to get reunited with one another. As for me I ran across to the street like Usain Bolt to get to my family as they held me close and tightly balling their eyes out with me. All I can really say is that I'm truly blessed to be alive. But I'm so sad that a friend of a friend (Warren Grant) had to die in the process of being in a fight with the shooter. Later this afternoon I have already paid tribute to him by creating a note me and my mom made together with some little candles put in place for him on our schools anchor that is a white statue in the center of the car loop. Rest in peace man, you were taken from us too soon. J-Towne misses you dearly. And as my school always says "My towne, your towne, one towne, J-Towne". 💜
  • @ekop1778
  • @nevisjackson
    The fact is, a gun is an inanimate object, just like a hammer, a knife, chain, saw, ax, etc. A gun doesn’t decide to do anything to harm anyone. The reality is, the perpetrators are the problem, not the inanimate object.
  • And very few people will ever know because the national media won't touch a case where "only" 1 kid dies.
  • @JAM2USA2018
    Got a job as a Resident Advisor with MDJS recently in Maryland. Left the job 2 months later. Those kids are out of control with no help or accountability
  • I'm glad you made this video, I can recall when I was homeless and faced with many things in life until $75,000 biweekly began rolling in and my Life went from A homeless nobody to a different person with good things to offer!!!!!!
  • @joanaiken563
    Coming on man, this is ridiculous that these kids are killing other innocent children in school. We must charge this kids all as adults and they must spend their entire life behind bars. This is heart broken and sickening, you send your children to school and don’t know if they would come home. 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 it’s truly heartbreaking, sincere condolences to the families of the victims.
  • Dearest Lord please help this planet. We are not doing enough for our beautiful kids. Praying for the brightest light perpetual to shine on the soul of this precious young man. May every treasured memory be a blessing to all who loved him.
  • These no-gun zones are the most dangerous areas in the world. Especially when there is no security checking students for deadly weapons!