Showcase all new unit (except astro telescope😢) [Super box siege defense]


コメント (16)
  • @UnusualR712
    if you wanna become a woman on male characters you can if you knew a certain command, I believe its ''/e me 262'' or ''/e me 282'' i think i have short-term memory loss but besides, also the E infront of the / could be any letter so im not 100% sure, the command can possibly work on every character even titans. Now to get graviton arm or astro arm you must play endless hardmode till you reach wave 32 or 50, on those 2 wave ive lised the astro should spawn or sometimes not due to a bug, after you killed the astro box he will drop one of its arm, just walk to it and hold the button to obtain the badge, And no you cant do this on sandbox too easy too of a childish move its intended by the dev. to get brown telescope you'll have to find a ''Sus Phone'' in the normal map and in a corner of a tower, hold the sus phone and you will teleported to an area where your a tier two tesla woman and you have to fight brown telescope, after the intense fight brown telescope says hes sorry and regretful for being a villain betraying his alliance, tesla woman forgives him then brown telescope rejoins the alliance but he didnt get tesla woman as his girlfri- you will receive the badge and you can get brown telescope if you had enough points. for those who thought they wasted 75 robux on TBM no, you didnt the ULBM/Upgraded Large Boombox Man has weaker health, less firepower and less speed, The normal TBM is well bad n all but the UBTM is superior over ULBM so you still didnt waste your money, and also Hyper UTBM will be obtainable in future updates as a new unit in Titan Boombox Man gamepass.
  • @Slicer3
  • prob u need to find astro or go back to the limbo and find astral hands, or something like beat death and find astral i have no clues so try those method and see if u find anything
  • oh, so i spent 75 robux on Titan boom box, just for creators to add an better version of him, but for free?