This Is How I Perfect My Slider

Published 2023-06-04

All Comments (21)
  • @TimeBucks
    Thank you for another interesting video this week!
  • @ihytj6251
    Trevorā€™s awkwardness trying to talk and listen to Japanese speakers is the most entertaining thing Iā€™ve watched this week
  • @kostaskotoulas6542
    I always love it when Trevor analyzes the mechanics of pitching. Keep forgetting that he was an engineering major in UCLA and it makes total sense that he would approach pitching this way.
  • @schemea
    We donā€™t have a ā€œcomic book storeā€ culture like in the States. If you are looking for manga (Japanese comics), you can just go to regular bookstores at any train station mall and find most of them. Kinokuniya or Tsutaya would also be the place to go. Book-Off is also great for used comics and books. Akihabara specializes in Doujinshi (fan-written comics based on popular manga, anime, games, etc), figurines and games that are not quite suitable for 18 and under as you have experienced.
  • You are a rare presence who shows the real behind-the-scenes of a baseball player. That's why you have managed to cultivate a fan base, and this is harder to attain than good stats.
  • @334ru
    This channel is turning into such a great resource for any baseball player interested in playing in Japan. The pros and cons are hard to wrap your head around when you've never been to the country, but this really shows a candid look into the everyday life of a pro baseball player.
  • @huffingcat
    this is one of the most interesting yt channels. Dont really watch baseball but your whole journey is insane
  • @archies7615
    21:43 The reaction of trever strolling in 18+ zone by complete accident is priceless.
  • @Bulldogbroom
    13:23 Bro I love Trevor for zooming in the second guy tryna get in šŸ¤£ These Sunday vlogs are just the best
  • @SuperGalaxy
    Trevor I would highly recommend the anime Major. Itā€™s a baseball sports anime about a baseball kid going through all the stages of his life. Itā€™s the anime that inspired Shohei Ohtani to do what he does!
  • @legend0r
    brooo most people would never include 21:40 in a video. Trevor is the best, and I totally relate to him on the Baseball/Nerd stuff
  • @sam11297
    I love this channel. Been following since Cincinnati. No one shows you behind the scenes like Trevor does. Amazing how down to earth Trevor is, too!
  • @pumpkinhill4570
    For arcades, it sounds like you might like Round One. The Round One Stadium in Odaiba (Diver City) especially has lots of special physical and sports games/activities. The term for any game with a physically interactive element is ā€œtaikan gameā€ (ä½“ę„Ÿć‚²ćƒ¼ćƒ ). Basically though, you might have to go to quite a few arcades before you find your home. Arcades in Japan tend to specialize quite a bit, each catering to its own small niche. As for anime and game culture, Trader was a good find! I also like the big Mandarake in Akihabara. But also you should go to Nakano Broadway, really nice place to wander around. After that the area around Ikebukuro is also great with its own unique vibe. šŸ‘¾
  • @Ozznits
    I love how your teammates are interacting with the vlog
  • @kajiarrow7761
    For anime start with either vinland saga, demon slayer jujutsu kaisen or something else on Netflix. The PokƩmon, Dragon ball and Yugioh cartoons were most peoples first introduction to anime in the west. One reason why anime is so popular is because there are so many different genres so there is usually at least one anime for everyone. Anime usually has significantly more story and character development than western cartoons and is more like full blown tv shows rather than your classic cartoons. Hope this helps
  • @UtoiAnimeReviews
    As for baseball I think "Major" is a good anime. As for the recent era we've got "One Outs" "Ace of Diamonds" and "Mix" If you want normal anime's, "Death Note" "Attack on Titan" "Demon Slayer" "Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood" and Japans obsession "One Piece". Love your slice of life vlogs. Keep it up. Godspeed!
  • @1st_riddick78
    My favorite thing is how much TB loves to interact with the fans. He needs to get a teacher so he can learn to speak and understand would love to see the faces of fans light up when they can connect over conversation rather than just smiles.
  • @sesoseri
    4:23 ā€œGun Batte Kuda Saiā€ is more like a ā€œGood luckā€ in Japanese.
  • @DjHouseOG
    Am I the only one bummed when the vlog ends !!?? Trevor... We need more Bro !!