Windows 10 BREAKS PC Games? - The Know Game News

You remember that fancy Creators Update that was supposed to make PC gaming on Windows 10 even better? Turns out it... kinda broke a lot of game performance instead. Luckily, MICROSOFT thinks they've got it licked! So... all's well that ends well?

Written By: Brian Gaar
Edited By: Kdin Jenzen
Hosted By: Ashley Jenkins and Mica Burton

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コメント (21)
  • Windows Vista. The Dark Ages, when we used F I R E to light our computers.
  • See, I got forced to windows 10 initially. Started the update mid-skype call. Then about 6 months ago, my pc was running low on space, so it deleted my old version of windows I was saving for an eventuality like this. Then, the creator's update force updated on me, right in the middle of a game of overwatch. Maybe if they stop forcing people to move forward with their OS, they'll see better results when people see that it's worth moving up.
  • They said to improve W10 better and better but in reality it's quite opposite. Not only in gaming but everything. Why the hell would users want their personal settings and information in your hands for. Why would you remove the interface that people can choose what to update and what not. Nobody ask for any of these so-called convenient features. The improvement that users can see only the broken code and performance
  • @adilliosz
    Glad im still chilling on windows 7. If it aint broke dont fix it.
  • 1:00 oh I know that option. I disabled it the second I saw it LOL stay out of my settings, microsoft!
  • I tried to buy some old Command and Conquer games on Origin and I cannot even play them or get half of them running because of Windows 10
  • i haven't noticed any problems... buuuuut i dont know that my windows 10 is up to date...
  • @kalez238
    This is just another reason why I don't allow automatic updates.
  • This is one of many reasons why I dont trust windows 10. There's still games out there that windows 10 makes completely unplayable.
  • I'm on the fast ring of Windows insiders and i usually never have any problems with gaming. Other than them periodically breaking compatibility with their own xbox controllers. I haven't had any performance issues.
  • In breaking news, The Know talks about the same topic two hours before Pretty Good Gaming
  • @ToonCatTV
  • What do I think about Windows 10? Linux. And I'm going on over a year on one installation of KDE Neon. The penguin army grows and is getting stronger every day.
  • I can't install the creators update as it white screens on login and then reverts to the previous update. Even though I didn't think so at the time, I guess I got lucky.
  • I updated my windows recently and now when I'm playing games in full screen it randomly kicks me out to the home screen but the game still running in the background. What to do??
  • yeah stuttering and.....bluescreens but sure stuttering.
  • @SLKibara
    Glad I stayed with 7. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • @xompeii
    updates my computer last night and had to do a series of fixes just to get anything to load, I've been having issues of only having a black screen after sign in, and am working on isolating the issue now that a work around lets me load in again.
  • Old news and simple fix has been known since the Creators update. Disable Game Bar and Recording options. I'm in the Insider Program, haven't updated since the Creators Update but it's not been an issue since disabling those options, which I did have with them on