3 Easy Questions to Quickly Turn Strangers into Friends

Published 2016-10-30
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Making new friends or transitioning a group of unrelated relationships into a community can be a challenge. Or feel uncomfortable. However, people are all the same and desire growing connections within any circle of acquaintances. I want to show you how you can easily help facilitate this.

I have used these three questions many times to break the ice and kill the awkwardness of things. They lead to great conversation, a lot of laughs, and a pretty quick bond between everyone present.

How We Get Started
My wife Tina and I can always fill a room with food and fun, and we like to transition casual conversation toward these three questions by saying something like this:

“Excuse me...this so awesome, please help yourself to anything you want...more food, drinks...whatever you like. We want you to feel like family here.”

“We thought it would be fun to try something. We’ve got three questions that are super simple to answer, but will help us all get to know each other a little better.”

“Whataya say? Here’s the first question...”

Now you may be thinking, some people won’t want to participate. Maybe they’ll be too shy. But I have found that everyone’s favorite thing to talk about is...wait for it:

Themselves! Trust me on this, go for it.

Then we ask each of these questions, one at a time, and go around the room and have everyone answer before moving to the next question.

You will be amazed at how much you can learn about someone so quickly, and the connections people will make with each other’s lives always surprise me.

The 3 Questions... To read more go to: caesarkalinowski.com

All Comments (21)
  • @Youtuber-rz1dl
    Let me give u those 3 questions 1. Where were u born? 2. What is ur favorite childhood memory? 3. What is the worst job you have ever had? Ur welcome friends Edit:Thnx for all ur likes guyss
  • @redtiger4352
    I am at the bar with the boys making new friends....and asking "what is your fav childhood memory?" yeah right....i will get awful looks
  • @YoBarbados
    Most people can’t pull that mustache off.. but my man you’re killing it
  • is my social life so bad that I need to watch this and still confused on how to communicate with new people
  • I ask open ended questions which gets them to talk about themselves and makes them open up cause oeople naturally like talking about themselves
  • @alisaurusrex
    1. How old's your mom? 2. Is she single? 3. Where's yo momma at?
  • @ebhole
    Honestly, if someone ask's me these questions in real life, I'll think they want to hack my email or social media account.
  • @iamquest7217
    How do you get your mustache to curl like that?
  • @lowfatcarrot
    love this Caesar - very practical and helpful.
  • @janedoe5229
    I have found that people enjoy talking about their children. Especially if I am with an intimidating person, and I don't know what to talk about, asking about their children gets them to be relaxed and themselves: how many kids do you have? How old are they? Are they going to school (what is their major) or working on their career. If I am talking to kids, asking what their favorite subject in school can be a dead end. If that's the case ask them what their least favorite subject it. They LOVE complaining about school.
  • casual conversation The other person/people: ''so tell me something about yourself'' Me: *trying to remember who I am and what I do in my life that sounds interesting
  • @toshishukla250
    That 2nd and 3rd question really works?😀 I think so..
  • @whywhymusic
    3 easy questions to quickly turn strangers into friends: 1. How many walkers did you kill? 2. How many people did you kill? 3. Why did you kill those people?
  • @RnW9384
    I know a couple ppl who have very few friends and don't want more.
  • @ebhole
    Great Video, but i can assure you this would almost never work in real life or give you the expected result. It's best to ask questions based on the context and situation of your encounter, introduce yourself and lead with the other person's introduction of themselves as well. Also, imbibe a bit of a humor mindset.