Steel Meets Steel - Bradley's Remarkable Performance Despite T-72 Strike

Publicado 2023-08-19
The US-provided Bradley infantry fighting vehicle or IFV sent to Ukraine frequently faces destruction from anti-tank mines, with a significant increase observed during the Ukrainian counter-offensive that commenced in early June. Despite this, there was another incident where a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle miraculously survived a direct confrontation with a T-72 tank. Despite being struck and showing a hole in the hull, the Bradley soldier inside continued to operate on the battlefield without any significant harm. It has been known that both Bradley IFVs and T-72 tanks are recognized for their exceptional levels of protection, firepower, and mobility. In order to know how each of them survived over another in the conflict, let’s take a look at both vehicles side by side.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Delta1019er
    I like how this entire video is about how great the Bradleys armour is despite there being a giant hole in it...
  • @audyssea
    It ain't about "how well engenieered" the armor of the Bradley is, but rather sheer luck. The ammo used by the T-72 must've been an APFSDS (armor-percing fin-stabilisied discarding sabot), which penetrated the IFV like swiss cheese, but failed to touch either the engine, or the driver, since this type of ammo is specifically made to engage other tanks. In the end, the driver might've gotten lucky, but if there were any crew in the Bradley, they most likely turned into strainers with all the metal splinters the hole created.
  • @mikevars8979
    What happened is a Kinetic round (Sabot) went through the Bradley like swiss cheese. A Sabot rounds is designed for use against tanks not IFVs. This is not a credit to the Bradley but simply firing the inappropriate round for the target.
  • I spent my time in the army as an M3 bradley crew member during Operation Desert Storm I was a gunner credited with two t-72 kills. that damage is nor from a tank hit, or any other battle damage I can think of. the only way a t-72 did that to the bradley is if someone dropped the t-72 on it.
  • @Svannuta
    " Heavily armored " but the armor consists of non-sloped 15mm aluminum sheets...
  • You've got so many things here wrong that I don't even know where to start... Bradley is lightly armored, most of its armor consisted of aluminium. Sides are armored even less. So, what happened here is something commonly known as "overpenetration". In other words: armor is very weak and it was hit with something with high penetration value (APFSDS or HEAT) which caused the projectile just to whizz through. Those projectiles were designed to penetrate smth with significant armor and cause damage inside it with spalling (turning pieces of vehicle's own armor into shrapnels). But when the armor is thin and penetration is high, it will go through without causing much damage on the inside. Like shooting a cardboard box from high power rifle from 5 paces away. The round will go through creating perfect circle and exit the other side without much damage. Sure, anything in the path of the projectile will be taken out, but nothing else. That gives a lot of chance for the vehicle to stay operational. If it was hit with 125mm HE round, the Bradley would be turned into bunch of scrap metal of undefined shape. But high energy round will just go through without doing much damage on the inside... It was most likely hit with something of high penetration because that is what the crew had loaded...
  • @corybrown8422
    There is absolutely No way that damage is from a a projectile lol. ZERO I was a Tanker for 6 years and have quite extensive experience with battle field damage BTW. It looks like to me the driver made a bad Oopsy and ran into something he should not have. Sheering off the up armor panels and causing this damage.
  • @n.jorgji8101
    No way was this a hit from the canon of the T72. At the most this was a 30 mm gun or similar.
  • @starej4035
    It just pure luck, and stop bragging about Bradley, Afterall, there are heaps of them at the Bradley square!
  • @Soulessdeeds
    The round hit where the dismounts would be. But just behind the turret basket. The crew in the turret were incredibly lucky. Just 1 foot more left and it wouldn't be a David vs Goliath story lol.
  • @takoto2610
    Half of delivered Bradleys haven't survived so called counter offensive in Zaporizhie.
  • @Monkey-ud8bw
    No way is that from a tank round. Whatever it was though, they were lucky.
  • @neowuwei7851
    And I have seen another video with about 5 Bradleys knocked out and 2 Leopard 2A6 tanks. The war in Ukraine is rapidly showing Russia, NATO and the USA how MBTs are becoming the battleships of WW2. Big and expensive targets. And the Russian Lancet costs them about $35k each and that's a great trade for an $8M Abrams or the $3M for a Bradley. In Sept, we get to see how well the M1 Abrams sent to Ukraine do against Russian drones.
  • @vandasaragosa
    No way it can survive T72 Remember the video on early invasion, when T72 get hit on close range by NLAW? Yep that doesn't mean T72 can survive NLAW if it can hit properly
  • @chooooooof
    This is an IFV and the hit was spot on the soldiers compartment .
  • @D3cker1
    Lets put some blue hair trans on F35's to fix this!! America what happened to you?
  • The Bradley might have survived, but what happened to the troops inside?
  • @wz1225
    "Bradley's suvival is due to specific engineered armor" The hole: