Halo Reach Mod | Reach Schism

Published 2021-11-02
It would have been funny if the prophets betrayed the elites during the events of Reach. In this mod you face off against primarily brutes, but also against elite loyalists, jackals, and hunters while being allied by an elite and grunts. The elite is implied to be the arbiter. If anyone is confused, the civilians were fake hostages who were actually insurrectionists and the brute plasma rifle and repeater featured are early variants of the guns. In this video my friend and I made our spartans look like Master Chief and Noble 6.

-Added brute plasma rifle and plasma repeater
-Added active camo brute chieftans
-Brutes replace grunts
-Brute health and shield values reflect Halo 2 brutes (excluding brute chieftan shields)
-Modified needle sniper rifle
-June is replaced with The Arbiter
-Grunts are now allies like in Halo 2
-Civilians are now enemy insurrectionists
-Enemy elites are more prone to berserking

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