Let's talk about Trump, Biden, Moe, and polls....


コメント (21)
  • maybe the media should focus on Project 25 and the Supreme Court instead of always Joe Biden
  • Our democracy is hanging by a thread because of “what makes for good tv.” Nice.
  • "The only thing you get from polls is the opinions of people too stupid to avoid a someone with a clipboard" -Rich Hall
  • Quite frankly I don't think many people understand how dire this situation is. When the highest court in the land turns against its own citizens, in the name of corporate owned autocracy, you are on the brink of revolution/civil war. At that point America's foreign adversaries will jump in the fight and it will be worse than anyone living today can imagine. The current administration must take immediate action, while they still have the upper hand, to resolve the crisis we face. If they fail we will ALL suffer the consequences.
  • @Leonaza7
    For the 1000000th time, forget the polls and make sure you vote blue whether Biden gets a replacement or not. Now more then ever we need to Vote Blue.
  • I get frustrated when media concentrates so much on Biden’s age and performance and ignores Trump’s spew of lies!
  • @Opus313
    Should he stay or should he go now... If he stays there may be trouble... If he goes there may be double... Vote Blue 💙 folks!
  • @DDDzombie
    I have a friend whose an accountant who once told me statistics can be pointless because you can skew data however you like if you ask for the right data. This video reminded me of that.
  • @AS-bn9qv
    UK here America don't fixate on one man it's his team, government is a 'TEAM' effort! - - Vote for the team that has actually improved your lives - - Tramp did nothing he rode on the high that Obama set in motion anything he did was appalling right down to appointing Fascist high court judges! As for poles they can be skewed far too easily! As said above 'who' do you ask!
  • Won't matter if it's Joe or Kamala at top of ticket. Voting against Dump 1000%
  • @grayven123
    During Trump's presidency my dad said something to me everytime I saw something that left me a little hopeless. He'd say "Give it a week." A week later Trump would have another scandal crop up and things would not look good for him. My advice would be the same for everyone else here. I'd also add that you need to remember that in special elections Dems have faired very well. Trump has lost a lot of his base over time and a not so insignificant amount of Republicans might not vote for him. Beau's math and reasoning is sound and is something to remember, so don't lose your heads.
  • One other thing to remember-- the ownership of media has concentrated severely in my lifetime and ownership has taken a hand in the editorial staff rooms. Nearly all of media is now owned by the very wealthy in one form or another and this is mostly a class war, not a war between the parties. The wealthy are using authoritarians to get what they want. We now have a SCOTUS and a Congress that is purely bought and paid for since Citizens United. Don't even get me started on foreign money in our elections since dark money was allowed. The closest thing we have to independent government is those executive agencies that just got neutered in the overturning of Chevron. Do not despair but we have a ton of work to do after cleaning out the corruption. Big job but patriots have to stand up. It is now or never.
  • Remember when the media was talking how 2022 was going to be a repeat of 2010? Did Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker become Senators? Did Mastriano become Governor? Le's go in November!
  • My wife is so scared she wants to plan to what country we would move if Trump wins. That scares me because I do t want to start from 0 again.
  • @jimd1617
    ask your friends and family if they're registered to vote!! DONT WAIT!!!
  • Fun fact: I'm 54, and JUST participated in my first presidential pole by a well-known polling org last Sunday. How I did it: I answered my conservative Boomer parents' land line. I suspect their numbers are going to skew this week 🤣
  • Honestly, this is something I needed to hear. The media freakout over Biden's debate debacle and everything that's come out of that has left me pretty nervous.
  • Happy Independence Day my American family and friends, please hold on to it. 🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙💙💙