From "nice guy" to "misogynist" in under a decade | Khadija Mbowe

Published 2022-12-11
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0:00 Intro
5:51 The First Element: A history of "niceness"
7:55 The Second Element: The "nice" Guy (As seen in film/tv)
12:14 The Third Element:The bare minimum
14:38 The FOURTH Element: Men impressing men
22:14 The Fifth Element: All about Luuuurrrvvee
33:47 Final thoughts
36:42 Credits/Interviewing my brother

Khadija’s Socials




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All Comments (21)
  • @KhadijaMbowe
    Hope you enjoy this mini collab with one of your faves 💕
  • @CommunistELM
    My ex husband is just like this, outwardly feminist and good to me, but then he called me a whore when I wore a pair of shorts and told me I was lazy after receiving chemotherapy every week. The nice guy trope is real. And he isn’t American, he’s Norwegian. I divorced him after he left me to visit his mom the day I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
  • A lot of men are just considered nice-guys/feminists for “not hating women” when what we consider hating women is just “oh yeah, he doesn’t beat them”.
  • @jenm1
    Nice guy and misogynist are two sides of the same coin.
  • @SeanLKearns
    I remember when he turned 30 there was a bunch of people on his bday posts saying: "bro better quit playing with them young girls."
  • As a man myself, my love for men comes as a piece of advice: please try and make friends with women and femmes you are NOT trying to have romantic / sexual relationships with. That has been the #1 way for me to begin understanding what it’s like on the other side of the gender spectrum, and it has helped me deepen my relationships with EVERYONE in my life. Don’t get me wrong, hanging with the boys has also led to many invaluable conversations and experiences too, but if you’re only interacting with women to try and get past 1st base you’re missing out on a huge range of life perspectives your boys just can’t give you. Love y’all, all homo 💕
  • Because the "nice guy" persona is literally just that. If someone has to tell you they're a nice person, or if they make a big deal about being nice to you, Nice is actually a currency to them, and they believe that after paying you with niceness, they are owed something in return. This is why so-called "Nice Guys" tend to talk a lot about how unfair they believe it is that they offered their Nice to a woman, and she didn't PAY for it with her time, attention, and most of all her body.
  • @liamross340
    it’s so insane to me that drake saw a girl get assaulted in the crowd at one of his shows and he called the guy out… and people were like “what a great guy” like that doesn’t make him a good guy that’s him doing what everybody should do
  • @liathompson2332
    My ex is like this. He HATES women. He doesn't respect women and doesn't think we're worthy of being taken seriously, but he's charming and nice and cool and funny. It's all superficial
  • I’m glad it ain’t just me because every time I hear “Hotline Bling” all I can think about is that he’s just upset that this girl developed an identity/life outside of him. He really thought she’d wait on him forever, but since she didn’t all of a sudden she’s not a “good girl”? She’s not “being herself”? Because she decided to go to parties, date around, make new friends, live her life?? Why did he ever believe that she’d stop evolving just to please him whenever he decided to take her off the shelf? The audacity 😂
  • @LadySinista
    It's funny how I bump into this after Kendrick slaughtered him in a diss off. Awh i love it 😍
  • Former "Nice Guy" here. I was brought up by my mom & my grandma to always be respectful to women. Of my two half-siblings, only my sister lived with us. My brother was a jerk, so I didn't want to be like him. I was quiet. Polite. I listened. I never asked anything of the girls I liked. And I think that's where my trouble lies. I never thought of myself as the "nice guy", I was the "better guy". I would listen while the girls in my life talked about their boyfriends cheating on them. Pushing them for.... ya know. I would listen as those same guys would talk badly about those same girls. Calling them "easy" & such. Starting rumors about them. I asked a couple girls out, and was turned down. I didn't know how to flirt. I didn't enjoy going out & partying. I didn't have any true friends, just friends while at school. I was shy, angry, scared, confused, and jealous. It's a bad mixture. I started resenting the men who seemed to so easily talk to women. And then I started to resent the women who were so easily "duped" by those men. Through it all, I still thought of myself as a "nice guy". Until the year 2000. My viewpoint began to change. Not overnight. Slowly, glacially slow. So slow I can't say for sure exactly when I started looking back at my former self and cringe. And not just because I'm no longer a man. (To all the transphobes, yes I know I'm "biologically" male. We all know what we are "biologically". Get over yourselves.) But at some point during my transition, I began to realize what a jerk I was. And that's not to say I'm perfect now. I still have some growing to do. I just wish I'd learned it earlier in my life.
  • @dez-m
    Strange how he has the spine to insult a shooting survivor, yet can't stand up to someone who is trying to start some stupid beef. Looking forward to this one!
  • @pdpUU
    “Control can be quiet” YES this is so so under discussed in conversations about abuse. It can be quiet and still be violence.
  • @shanaadams1458
    Girl!!! The fact that you did this 1 year ago and all of this ish has gone down 😂😮‍💨💀