What Is Sleep?

Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Goertz discusses.

コメント (4)
  • @express2008
    Thank you for approaching such complicated topics in a holistic manner! I hope that in future more professionals will keep an open mind, and try to understand these complex processes from different angles, instead of reducing them to simple methodology and psychometrics.
  • @reddbendd
    All the patients on my ward are suicidal/homicidal. We don’t typically start them on antipsychotics though, which seems strange to me. Patients are given SSRIs. Most are not actually very depressed; I’ve experienced catatonic depression myself. I would say their mood is typically euthymic. SSRIs seem pointless to me. I’ve had better outcomes using psychoanalytic therapy for depression in my experience, with pharmacotherapy being most effective for psychotic disorders. The dream interpretation is actually vital (for me) to developing a treatment plan. In order to treat the whole patient, you have to understand the etiology of the psychopathology. Something an allopath will most likely completely miss. This understanding is not taught anywhere - it must be self taught from my knowledge. I find most psychiatrists to have a very atomistic view on their work. They will focus on using pharmaceuticals to treat the symptoms, but have little to no idea what’s causing them. Are we here to manage medications, or help people?