Churches struggling to keep doors open

Publicado 2024-05-10
African American parishes especially are seeing a significant dip in membership.

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  • I don't know what the young reporter (Keelin Berrian) was laughing at about this story when the camera cut to him at the 00:42 mark (he quickly composed himself), but it was/is a most unprofessional look -- especially with him covering such a serious story. The underlying background behind this story is a terrible one, of course, which certain corrupt members of the Church leadership brought upon itself: 1. the priest/clergy sex abuse (horrible enough in itself -- but this problem is NOT unique to the Catholic Church ... and anyone who claims otherwise is either a flat-out liar, incredibly naive and deluded, or willfully ignorant) 2. the failure to hold perpetrators -- CRIMINALS -- accountable 3. the LIES and ORGANIZATIONAL cover-ups 4. the seeming "lip service," "faux sincerity," and lack of GENUINE repentance (by some, not all) after the lid was blown off Everal single one of these things was and is highly offensive, deeply angering, and grievously wounding to the Church because it has caused many to despair and lose their faith ... But the true near death-knell was the decision -- VOCIFEROUSLY OPPOSED by most of the faithful, yet IGNORED by the USCCB and broader Church hierarchy -- to shutter the Churches at all during COVID. The faithful have been taught for millennia to attend Mass IN PERSON weekly (to the best of health and ability). Even during the bubonic plague, Churches were NOT closed ... yet for this MANUFACTURED "crisis" nowhere near as severe or lethal (which most thinking people saw right through), the Church so-called "leaders" happily went right along with leftist/Marxist government officials who more than anything sought to exercise TYRANNICAL CONTROL over the people. And they abandoned their flock for the most corrupt reason imaginable: just to keep the Government subsidy $$$$ flowing into the coffers -- when what they NEEDED to do was resist the tyranny and file suit to challenge the UNCONSTITUTIONAL overreach/violations of the 1st Amendment. (Recall such UNTENABLE nonsense as allowing LIQUOR stores to remain open while forcing houses of worship to close !!!) There were MANY alternative options the Church could and should have pursued. (e.g., more Masses throughout Sunday with fewer attendees per Mass; Masses in larger areas where people could spread out, etc.) But once the Church BROKE the centuries and centuries old REQUIREMENT to attend Mass in person weekly, there was no going back. The corrupt leadership has brought this demise upon themselves ... and God will hold them accountable IMO.