Political blooper: MP's Scottish accent baffles British parliamentarian

Members of the British parliament broke into laughter on October 18 when New-Zealand born Tory MP, Paul Beresford, visibly struggled to understand his Scottish colleague who was speaking with an accent.

Beresford initially apologized to Scottish National Party's (SNP) David Linden before asking him to repeat his question. But after a second attempt he sheepishly suggested Linden speak more slowly.

After two failed attempts in the miscommunication, Deputy Speaker, Lindsay Hoyle, suggested they resolve the matter by letter.

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コメント (21)
  • I’m Polish and I understood his question very clearly. I’m just wondering who taught him to speak Polish so well??
  • @PBurns-ng3gw
    He later submitted his question in writing as suggested, only for his colleagues to discover that his handwriting was incomprehensible.
  • @VOLightPortal
    As a persons of non Scottish background his Japanese was impeccable and perfect.
  • "Just give him any old answer" - said like a true politician
  • @Ashainm
    "-I'm Welsh so God help him-" Will admit, this ending made me laugh.
  • @Wonderwice84
    Understood everything he said perfectly. Thanks Outlander.
  • A lot of people seem to be missing the fact that the video gets its audio from microphones which are right next to the MP speaking whereas the other MP does not have the benefit of listening to clear audio
  • @cmwong98
    Wow... his accent is thick but can be understood by listening carefully.
  • I'm an Indian and its lovely to see a Scottish MP recite a Sanskrit mantra in the British Parliament❤️
  • What can be done to make sure those with disabilities can move around more freely?
  • People here aren’t realizing that we’re hearing him mic’d closely but they’re listening to his voice in a huge echoey room, I would imagine that would make things a lot more difficult if he was that far away too.
  • @insomcafe
    He's a nice guy for thinking of his colleagues with disability and wondering if anything could be done to make the place more accessible so that those colleagues could move more freely. Bravo to him.
  • @prislaem3838
    As a Jamaican with some Scottish ancestry, I understood the question perfectly on the first go around.
  • I like how when the gentleman asked him to repeat his question he did so faster than the first time, lol.
  • the guy at the end saying “im welsh, so god help him” LOL
  • @Jayce_Alexander
    I understood this just fine. But having worked in Scotland, while I was working there I found myself having to ask people to repeat themselves or speak more slowly pretty frequently. I do like the accent a lot, I just get lost so easily. That being said, as long as you stay polite, in my experience Scottish people are super cool about it. They may give you a giggle but that's it. 😁
  • Before any more of you say how easy it was to understand, just take into account that they are quite far away in a very echoey room and the MP asking the question is being played over a speaker, while we hear the raw microphone sound directly into our headphones or speakers at a much lower volume and with little to no echo.